Getting there

Hey all! I'm still kicking here in Calgary. Didn't get to write my email this morning so that'll be a shorter one. 

Life is still great. It feels like summer today! For all, I know it could snow tomorrow hahaha. All the old men in Calgary see the sun for the first time in almost a year, take their shirts off, and go mow the lawn, it's a good time!

Lots of the people we are helping prepare for baptism are seeing some adversity. Most of the people on the first nation's reserve are hard to get a hold of, or they need to get married to their boyfriends quickly!!

Our friend Max, the guy who had a dream about the Calgary temple, is getting baptized on Saturday! He is super awesome. Going through a lot right now but he has such strong faith.

As for our area, we are still covering 4 wards, a branch, and a reserve, but President Keung just informed us we will probably be covering 2 additional wards starting tomorrow... pray for us lol!

The Lord's hand is in this work. It is in my life. I will continue to cherish these last couple of weeks! See ya soon

Elder Giles
