Back in it

 Another week in the books! Not much to report this week but the work is going forward quickly.

Here are a few of the highlights:

Since the social media/technology team is getting transferred over to the MLC (Mission Leadership Council), we are back in charge of the ESL program! Unfortunately, President Keung has made it clear that we are not the "doers" of the program, but the oversight. This is a really hard concept for me to grasp... hahah. 

We were able to attend a SUPER big zoom call with President Keung this week. We met with the North American North East Area Presidency, the North American Central Area Presidency, and a few other technologies and missionary leaders from Salt Lake to discuss ESL as a finding source. What emerged from the discussion is that the potential ratio for ESL leads to Baptisms has a potential to be very high, and even if they don't get baptized, the missionaries have a chance to teach/serve, and the learners have a chance to feel the Holy Ghost! A very effective program when run correctly, I think Salt Lake will catch the vision soon and push something worldwide.

Zone Conference was focused on teaching people not lessons and teaching for understanding. We had the chance to bring members and investigators to the conference (virtually) and split out into breakout rooms to practice what we learned. E. Cotrell and I were in charge of running the zoom call and splitting up everyone into a room with their members. I learned that when the technology works and everyone knows what is going on/prepared, it works suuuuper well. The APs asked if we could do it for the other two zone conferences as well...

Last Monday we were able to film Emmanuel and Ibinabo's testimony for 1.a special sacrament meeting and 2.our Come and See devotional. They are the cutest little family with such amazing testimonies.

Scripture: D&C 88:77-78
77 And I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.
78 Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;

Teach by example and don't be afraid to speak up when the spirit prompts you to do so! This is His Gospel, His Kingdom, His truth. 

Elder Giles
