
Hello everyone! Not that much to write about this week so it'll be pretty short. BUT, the work is progressing, the weather is not in the negatives, and the sun is up for more than 4 hours:) What else could I want!? Life is honestly just really good. Quick shoutout to my FAVES, THEE Elder Kahler for getting into the MTC today! He is going to do great in Madagascar. And THEE Mandy Wilson for getting her call to Houston, Texas. Here's my week:) 

Conducting an ESL meeting
This week I lead my first ESL training meeting! We had all the missionaries in Calgary come together to try and get our ESL teaching standard a little bit higher. It was super nerve wracking actually but everything worked out! I called a few other companionships to do trainings and opened it up for a discussion at the end. ESL in Calgary will be successful! 

Elder Oliver and Combs awesome talks
On Sunday we stopped by the Strathcona chapel to meet with some members and be there just in case anyone we invited showed up! Turns out the Central Zone Leaders were giving talks! Elder Combs gave a great talk on: the restoration, ministering, and sharing the good news. Loved it! Elder Oliver gave a talk on: the premortal life, challenges, progression. He used a lot of different life experiences and stories to make the talk very entertaining! He told the Plan of Salvation from a "storytelling" perspective. Loved it!

We had a really awesome District Council Meeting this week! Ever since President Keung stopped "trainings" we just open it up for testimony and discussion and it is superrr good! We had a really good discussion about doing the Lord's work because we love God and we love our neighbor. We talked about the importance of being disciples of Jesus Christ and become fully converted in all aspects of the work and life! Awesome to hear the testimonies of the other chinese missionaries in my district. 

That's all I've got for this week! I hope you all have an amazing week:)

2 Nephi 26:13
And that he manifested himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith

Elder Giles
