Time is crankin

 Good afternoon friends and family! Things are going awesome! We had a sweet lesson with our friend Emmanuel and his family. Since we are up by the temple we have such a normal and natural way to bring up the Plan of Salvation and all that. We actually invited them to take the steps in preparing to go to the temple before we are going to invite them to be baptized. Kinda out of order but they're elect so it'll be great!! 

Also finally got a lesson with our friend Bonnie! She requested a picture of Christ off the Facebook marketplace a few weeks ago. She seems really excited to meet and talk about the restoration of gospel truths!!

Honestly, everything is still going great! Seeing gradual improvement from week to week and month to month.

My new district is pretty awesome, we have one of the first nations companionships with us as our district leader! Also, the mandarin elders (Elder Johnson and Elder Zhong) are in a district all by themselves so Elder Choi and I will go on splits to join their DCM's. 

This Gospel is true! Heavenly Father has prepared a plan for each of us to return to Him. All we need to do is what he asks, follow His son, and do our best.

Gonna be a great 4 transfers!! See you all soon:)

Elder Giles
