HAPPY 2021

 Heyy!! It's a new year! Can you believe it?? I am optimistic about the future. The Lord is moving His work forward one miracle at a time. Before I get into those I wanted to share a few of my mission presidents' journal entries from 2020. 

April 6, 2020: What more can I say - these past few weeks have seen the world literally come to a standstill. I have a personal witness that the Lord is preaching a sermon and that we are eyewitness to an historical event never before seen, an event that so affected so much of the world in such breath-taking manner as has this Covid-19 pandemic. The world has literally been ground to a halt, but I know, for the faithful, there is no fear.

April 18, 2020: Our mission has been reduced to 142 missionaries after being advised those with symptoms or who have been treated for Asthma are to return home. Between yesterday and (this coming) Monday, we will have farewelled another 17 of our missionaries. How can I despair or feel anything other than joy; regardless of what the Lord allows us to experience. This is His work and we are His servants. All we need to do is have faith and keep pressing forward trusting that all will be well. Today, I felt a warmth of the Spirit as we pondered another 'transfer within a transfer'. A peace and calm that assured me that all will be well...

April 21, 2020: 18 Missionaries left yesterday. A lasting memory for me was an opportunity to do a "Come Follow Me" with them at the front entrance of the YYC... Mosiah 4 was the topic of discussion - The Goodness of God. We sang "High on a Mountain Top". I have said this often - "They're breakin' my heart!" I have come to understand more fully "The Goodness of God" in my life. Blessed be the name of Our Lord!!!

May 10, 2020: Covid-19 still lingers. For almost two months stores have been closed, vehicles parked up and people shuttered in their homes. The only way forward will be with our missionaries working with our members and technology. Elder Nielsen read 2 Nephi 25:23 a little differently today - "For we labor digitally...." SO TRUE!!!

October 4, 2020: "Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? When you make the decision to "Let God prevail" every other decision becomes easier. It take consistent, persistent, diligent effort. The only way to survive spiritually is to let God prevail. I invite you to read the covenants made to Israel. List all the Lord has promised to do for covenant Israel." (Notes from address by President Russell M Nelson, October 2020 General Conference)

I see an amazing pattern of POSITIVITY, PONDERING, and PREPARING from our dear President Keung. He is a very inspiring man of God who has led us through this crazy pandemic. I am grateful for his example and how he has helped my testimony of revelation and inspiration.

2020 has been a remarkable year! Let us all press on...

"... shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad."

Doctrine and Covenants 128:22

This week Elder Cotrell and I had quite the miracle week! We worked hard and found 4 new people to teach the gospel! 2 from our ESL classes, 1 from a free bible request on the Facebook marketplace, and 1 from a member referral. The Lord is blessing our diligence and we were put in the right place at the right time this week!

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, love you!

Elder Giles 
