Finally cold

 HEYYY it's -8 Degrees Fahrenheit out! We have had a really mild winter until now so it's nice to freeze our butts off every once in a while. Sad to say this is my last stretch out here in the arctic.

Cool story, one of the Bishop of one of the wards we cover, extended SEVEN (7) baptismal invitations to our teaching pool yesterday... We challenged our friends Emmanuel and Ibinabo to be baptized on Feb 17!! They accepted:) birthday baby ~~~ a few others and a family are also praying about a date and will get back to us next week.

Other than that, Elder Cotrell has gotten me into Disc Golf! Super fun sport. When we have time to get out and play we do. Who would have thought that Disc Golf is just like regular golf, they even have different discs for different distances and all that. Highly recommend.

Just like I've said before, the work still moves forward! The Lord is hastening His work in a miraculous way. The gospel is true. Live it. Love it! Lmk if there's anything I can do for you:)

Elder Giles
