6 months to go

 Wowow time is flying! I can't believe it. 

This week I will hit my 18-month mark.

Not too much to report but here are a few highlights of the week:

Had a super good Zone Conference, talked about 6 basic principles of exercising faith. I find them very interesting because they can be applied to missionary work or any aspect of life.

1. Be believing with desire single to the glory of God
2. Commit yourself totally in word and deed.
3. Act as if it all depends on you.
4. Pray as if it all depends on the Lord.
5. Prepare for constant and intense trials of your faith.
6. Expect the Lord to perform according to his holy will and your faith.

Faith in Jesus Christ should be the foundation of our lives. I know that when we exercise these 6 principles we will succeed.

We have been sharing a super cool video with our members! 
We invite them to think about who Jesus Christ is to them and which of all these beautiful pictures sticks out to them. This short message brings the spirit so well. Check it out!

Had a good laugh with my family while on a video call this morning. We were talking about who is the peacemaker in the Giles home? I told them about a paragraph from a book called "adjusting to missionary life":

Expect some challenges to come to your loved ones. Most of these would occur whether or not you were serving a mission. Your loved ones have agency and may make decisions that worry you, especially if you are used to being a leader or peacemaker at home. It may bless their lives to work through challenges on their own. Respect their choices, and continue to express your love and confidence.

I love my family and I am confident they are doing amazing! Lol

Times may be tough but things will get better. I'm so excited to work my heart out for the next 6 months. 

Elder Giles
