Pic overload

 As you can see I'm having a blast with Elder Andersen! I've been outside more in these last 3 weeks than I have in the past 11 months... So grateful for a companion that loves to be out and about!! 

Our members have still not let us go a day without food. Since Sunday was the first, no one was signed up, but the WML came through with dinner, keeping the steak alive! 

We are also seeing much success in the work. The people we are teaching are progressing closer to a baptismal date. Our zone has 4 people on date for the month of November! We are truly seeing the Lord's hand in our lives.

This short and simple poem that summarizes the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ so wonderfully:

In Gethsemane,
He suffered and bled for us,
Paying for our sins.
On the cross, He died,
Despised, scorned, in agony.
Three days in a tomb,
Then, triumphant, He came forth
That we all might live again.

Behold My Hands and Feet by Harry Anderson

Every time you feel tempted, remember what the Savior did for you personally. Christ's power can be a big part of each of our lives as we keep his commandments and remember Him! 

Have a wonderful week:)

Elder Giles
