Still going!

 Hey all! Forgot to write this morning and now p-day is coming to a close!

Thought i'd just let you know that everything is going super great! It is still snowing here but it's supposed to be nice later this week.

This week Elder Andersen and I taught a Mission Prep class to a handful of excited missionaries. They are in their senior year and really curious what a mission is like now. We gave them some simple tips and basically told them what life for a missionary is like now.

Also had a ton of super good meetings! My favorite was my first MLC (mission leadership council), all the zone leaders, sister training leaders, and the APs come together with President and Sister Keung and learn about things to take to our missionaries. So much amazing knowledge, it was a bit overwhelming to choose what we talk about in ZCM (zone council meeting) later this week. Nonetheless, I'm grateful to be surrounded by so many amazing missionaries that have such great ideas!

Your consistent efforts in this endeavor—even during those moments when you feel that you are not being particularly successful—will change your life, that of your family, and the world” -Go Forward in Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 114
President Nelson 

Consistent and persistent effort will help us become who the Lord needs us to be!

Love you all! This is the Lord's work<3

Elder Giles
