2000 Warriors

 Not a Suuuupuer ton of time today. Things are still going absolutely great as usual! 

We had a really awesome Zone Conference this week with the Area President Elder Wong and his wife! They are from Hong Kong so they really like my comp:)) They have such an amazing way of training us missionaries. The first 45 minutes of the meeting, Elder Wong was telling one of the districts how to get their chairs in the right spot, then he had them move back and forth about 100 times trying to be faster and faster. He related the exercise to Setting Goals and Making Plans. The missionaries needed to have a vision, where they needed the chairs to be. They also needed to find out the best way to do it and prepare by clearing out all obstacles. There are so many different ways that we can apply this teaching to our lives! We need a vision, we need to have goals, make plans, and then GO! 

We had a 2nd English lesson with one of our new students named Crystal! She is from Guangzhou so she can speak Mandarin and Cantonese! Our first lesson with her last week was just kind of getting to know her and tell each other a little bit about ourselves. We get into the second lesson and she asks Elder Choi "Are you a Christian?" Long story short, 2 hours later the full cantonese lesson finishes and I have no idea what is going on... Elder Choi explained his entire conversion story and committed her to learning more about the Gospel. She said when she understands more, she will be baptized!

We are also currently trying to get a baptisimal date for our friend Queena. She has a desire and has been taught by many generations of missionaries but is still waiting until her family can come to Calgary. She calls us about every other day or a "spiritual thought" or a scripture:) She's super awesome!

This week in Come Follow Me has been awesome! Reading about Helaman's army, the 2000 stripling warriors has been such a testimony builder. "they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." (Alma 56:47) These young boys were doing some things they were not very familiar with, but they had Faith in God because that's what their mothers taught them to do! I'm so grateful that my mother has done the same for me! The world is changing and I have no idea what the future holds, but I know that if we are faithful to the end, God will deliver us!

Have an AMAZING week! Love you all!

Elder Giles 
