Wet Week

I say Wet Week because it rained everyday this week! Most of our work is inside anyway so we were able to stay out of it. All of which except for our shift at the food bank hahaha. We stood outside in the pouring rain for two and a half hours! Super fun. This week was just like last, the time just slipped right away! Everyday is super busy and full of online events. It just feels like we wake up, go to the church, eat, then come and go to sleep! Nevertheless, the work is progressing and we are having a great time here in Calgary! 

We taught Lynn and Kurt the doctrine of baptism this week! They aren't quite ready for a baptismal invitation yet but they are progressing very well! Lynn is continuing to ask really awesome questions, getting really involved in the lessons. We taught right out of the Chinese "Gospel Principles" booklet, having them read each paragraph 1 by 1! So grateful to have the chance to teach them and help them progress in the Gospel.

A few of our other friends are continuing to meet with us regularly and come up with some great questions about the Gospel! Right now we are just trying to get everyone we are teaching a really solid fellowship so they have 2 places they can go when they have any questions or need anything. Honestly the branch has been so so good about helping with the people we are teaching! We had a record for our branch Zoom call attendance this week! We got 29 accounts on the call!! Almost half of them were non-members, this pandemic has shown us a new great way to normally and naturally invite people to come have a "special sabbath worship experience".

Just want to share a verse from one of my favorite hymns with you!
Be thou humble in thy calling, and the Lord thy God shall teach thee, serve his children gladly with a pure and gentle love. 
Be thou humble in thy longing, and the Lord thy God shall take thee, shall take thee home at last to ever dwell with him above.

I love this verse because I know that the Lord God is always willing to teach, serve, and take us! I have felt His "pure and gentle love" in my life so so much recently. The world is a weird place right now but I promise you there is Peace in Him. Look to him, be humble in your longing and he will provide the way for you! 

Much love, Ji
