Time Flies!

I feel like I just wrote a weekly letter a couple days ago! Time is seriously going too quickly. Had 3 highlights this week:

1. Ordered "skip the dishes" for the whole district to celebrate my first District Council Meeting over one year! Mcdonalds got delivered right after we finished up and everyone was happy:) Also ordered to skip the dishes again yesterday... I'm broke and a little bit fat now.

2. Sent an Online ESL Report to all the stake presidents in the mission. When I sent it to President Keung he said "Elda! This report is magnificent." (New Zealand Accent) "but I already sent out the mission report to all the stake presidents so I would like you to send this out". Elder Zhong and my palms were sweating as we sent the email... so much power and authority. 

3. Got to call my dad on Father's Day! So grateful for the world's greatest Dad. Seriously, George is such a light in my life. He always sees the good in every situation. His amazing testimony of the Gospel has been fundamental in establishing a great learning environment for me and all my siblings! The Family Proclamation says: 

"Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families

I am so so grateful for a father that has shown the way to follow Jesus Christ. I love my dad and I am so grateful that I will get to live together with him and the rest of my family for eternity!

Elder Giles
