
Hello Friends and Family! 
Life is GOOD, very different, but good!! Switching to completely online work has been, and will continue to be a crazy trial, but the Lord hastens His work and its accelerating fast! We are seeing more success in this world of technology than we did from knocking doors and street contacting. I miss that stuff like crazy but I feel the Lord is forcing us to step outside our comfort zone to see success. "Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any [progressing investigators]? They answered him, No[t really...]. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." (John 21:6-7) This is so true for us!! I am so grateful to be doing the Lords work. Nothing id rather be doing:)

Online ESL
"And verily, verily, I say unto you that I have other sheep, which are not of this land, neither of the land of [Calgary], neither in any parts of that land round about whither I have been to minister." (3 Nephi 16:1)
The first thing that skyrocketed recently is online ESL (English as a second language) classes. We started running an AD on Facebook to let people know that we are doing 1 on 1 classes! The signup link has over 50 signups within just a few days... These 1 on 1 classes are great service opportunities, help keep missionaries busy, and sometimes lead to awesome Gospel discussions and progression! Our couple students are doing so awesome! They keep asking great questions about the church and we have taught them who God is and how we pray to Him! They also keep telling us about their friends that want to learn English and its just so great!

Continuing member lessons/General Conference Reviews
"Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." (Romans 13:8)
Building member trust has also been an amazing progression these last few weeks. We have been able to call/ Facetime almost all the members in the branch to talk about General Conference. These lessons are so great! Really helping us to understand each member more deeply, therefore strengthening our relationship:) Again, they are all SO PUMPED about the SHANGHAI 上海 TEMPLE!! If you have any ideas on what we can do to take these online lessons to the next level lmk!!

Home Ward Devotional (Orchard 9th)
“declare the things which [we] know to be true” (D&C 80:4)
One of the highlights of this week was being able to join in on my home wards devotional and share a quick testimony with them. I'm not going to lie, I was stressing before hahaha, I wasn't sure what it was going to be like seeing all these people I love so much but haven't seen for almost 10 months! Bishop Bott gave a great introduction to the meeting and Abby Tribe shared such an amazing testimony before I got to go, so there was a lot of pressure. All the thoughts I had written down to share went out the window and the spirit told me to share one of my favorite scriptures, 3 Nephi 9:14. I stumbled on my words but i'm so grateful that I got to share something with those back home!

"We love him, because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19). Last night we had an AMAZING lesson with our boy Max. He is progressing so well and loves to meet and talk with us about the Gospel! We taught him The Plan of Salvation. We hyped up this lesson so much because we knew it was going to bring him so much happiness and joy. He was asking so many awesome questions and Elder Johnson and I were flowing with the gift of tongues. We explained all aspects of the plan, Elder Choi even explained the war in heaven... (听不懂). Where we came from, The Fall, Why are we here, and What happens after we die. Max loved it. At the very end we drew it out for him so he could see it all together (picture below). When he noticed it says "Love" he almost fell out of his seat! Followed by an applause. The Plan of Salvation is truly a knowledge that brings so much peace and happiness into the lives of God's children! 

Love you all! Remember "O how great the plan of our God!" (2 Nephi 9:13). Turn to Him for peace and comfort, I promise you will find it! Have a good week and stay safe:)

Elder Giles
