There is Peace in Christ!

Hey Hey! How is everybody doing?? I hope you're all still sane! Good news, I'm still in Canada with no word on if we are getting sent home. So, we are just hanging around and doing our best to communicate with everyone! Restrictions on street contacting and tracting are still in place; and we aren't allowed to go into people's homes. Basically just quarantine but we can go on walks! It's definitely a good time and opportunity to use technology to communicate with all those we need to continue teaching! Elder Choi and I have also been having a lot of success finding through Facebook; people are looking for truth at this time, and we are the people to give it to them! Here's a few things that happened this week!:) 

Cleaning vacant apartments, From 7 to 4, DL
This week has pretty interesting for us Mandarin missionaries here in the CCM. Last transfer we had 7, and now we only have 4! So now we each cover half the mission. We spent 2 entire days cleaning the extra mandarin apartment! That was full of surprises and very disgusting objects. But, we got everything cleared out, everything whipped down, and the carpet steamed! After all this madness and transfers I got made District Leader so that's pretty cool!

Sabbath Day
First of all, the last 4 days I have spent with both Elder Ruan and Elder Choi! Elder Ruan was going home so we gotta keep him company until transfers! (I got to kill my dad, as we would say in the field). We had some good times! Sunday was definitely a highlight. We walked to the chapel in the cool Sunday morning breeze, alongside half the population of Calgary. We were able to have a nice "sacrament meeting" with hymns and 3 speakers!

Sorry my email is a little short/lacking of substance. I know this time is a struggle everyone! I know that people are getting sent home all over the world. I have no idea what is going to happen in the future. But I do know one thing, for God so loved the world... God knows what is happening. He is in control! 

Mosiah 4:9 "Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend."
We may not be able to comprehend everything that I happening! We may not be able to know what the future holds. But I promise each of you, as you turn to God, believe in Him, remember his love for each of his children. You will find Peace! Remember what I said in my last email:) keep doing the basics! Invite the spirit into your life and you will see an increase in happiness and calmness!

Shoutout to BEANS
Japan, Sapporo is getting a LEGEND. Hope they'll open it up soon!

Love you all<3
