Eventful Week

This past week was jam packed full of awesome Light the World activities! People just get so happy around Christmas time. It's so awesome to be working with such nice people; most Canadians really do fit the stereotype. Not too much time today, here's what happened this week!

(pictures attached) We setup a Free, Light the World, Hot chocolate stand in the middle of Chinatown. It was quite the adventure getting hot water and all the other supplies from our apartment to where we wanted to set up, but we did it! Tables, Signs, Cups, hot chocolate, and SMILES. It was fun getting to see so many people walk by and be so confused why we were just giving it out! One lady said "世界上没有白吃的午餐!"   which directly translates to "There is no free lunch in the world!" but apparently it means that nothing in this world is free! We gave out a lot of copies of the Book of Mormon, light the world cards, and got a lot of great potential friends!

Old Lady Miracle dinner story
One of the days this week we didn't have a dinner. So we called the English elders and asked if we could join them. They responded quickly with a no. About half an hour later they text us and say we could come. Turns out the nice old lady was praying fervently on if she should let us come or not. God told her that we needed to come and that he would provide a way. (She has a hard time making food since she has arthritis). Later that day, she went to a "Old person lunch party", still racking her brain on how she was going to make enough food. The party came to a close and a nice other old lady came up and asked if she would like to take some of the leftovers. The "old person lunch party" provided enough food for us missionaries! She cried and cried and she told us the story! What a testimony builder, and evidence that God really does care for and watch out for us!

3 Day Move
Helped a nice member pack up his house and put it in a UHaul over the span of 3 days. 

Anita Update
Didn't get baptized because we haven't been able to get in contact with her father! Moved her date to this Friday but he is literally Off the Grid. Have met with her a few times and she is SO ready! Elder Li came with us last lesson, the spirit was strong! We will make sure the father agrees to let her be baptized!

Free Table
Found a listing for a really nice table for free! We contacted the seller and had an extra 45 minutes right then. We used it as an opportunity to meet someone, get in their house, and maybe share a quick message about Jesus Christ. As Elder Choi and I knock on their door she opens, looks at our name tags, and says "oh we aren't interested" *slams the door. I knock again.. "We are just here to pick up a table..." I guess she didn't want a message. But hey! We got a really nice table! (picture attached)

The Mandarin Branch was PACKED this week! We normally get about 30-40 people attending sacrament meeting. But this week we challenged our members to reach out to their friends and invite everyone! Elder Choi and I also drove around to all of our investigators Sunday morning to invite them to church! We had Over 70 people come! We were so so excited!!

Elder Choi's Sickness
So uh, this is Elder Choi's very first winter. Being from Hong Kong he hasn't experienced cold weather very much. Long story short, he got sick. Sicker than a dog. I felt terrible because we can't communicate that well and he wasn't able to explain what was wrong. He didn't talk for all of Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Just kept pointing to his throat. He had a pretty nasty cough and quite the headache. We loaded him up with all different types of medicine and didn't leave the house on Monday at all. Gave me a lot of time to study. Anyways, I think he's okay now!

Much Love from Calgary!
