Christmas Season Begins

This week was great! Jam packed with awesome experiences and busy missionary work. Elder Choi and I are still tearing it up in downtown (still no car). Which gives us a lot of opportunities to meet people and brighten their day with Light the World 光照世人! Thinking back on my week I didn't think there was that many highlights, but my journal said otherwise! Here they are:)

Moving more hair than furniture
Last P-day we spent pretty much all day with the English elders since they were driving us everywhere! At night, all of our meetings canceled so we went with them to help a member move furniture from her garage (garages in Canada are most often separate houses normally in the back) to her basement. The only heads up we got was "I'm pretty sure this lady own A LOT of animals..." We went in ready to help and get it done fast! Long story short, i'm pretty sure we moved just as much hair as we did furniture. We got it done though!

It didn't really feel like a holiday at all since Canada celebrated Thanksgiving a month and a half ago. Just a normal missionary day for us until dinner! We went to one of my favorite members house to have a turkey dinner with everything you could want for Thanksgiving. It was definitely a blessing for the Salmon's to have all us Mandarin missionaries over and celebrate. Towards the end we went around and all said something we are grateful for! Such great food and even better spirit.

Moving again
A couple weeks ago I was going through all the referrals we had in the south, just sending them a text saying, "Hey it's the missionaries, just wondering if we could meet sometime this week or help out with anything" One of them responded and was so so happy that we texted! They needed someone to help move from downtown to the south. We wanted to show them that we were all about helping and service so we brought all the English elders and finished packing the uhaul in an hour! They were super nice and listened to a message once the move was completely done!

The sabbath was a very very busy day for us! We had a couple different sacrament meetings to attended but my favorite is always the Mandarin Branch. I can't really understand talks that well but when people get up to bear a simple, powerful testimony I can understand it all! There is always a great spirit. After church we bused over to 17th ave chapel to attend the Men's Single Adults Linger-Longer. Wow that was fun! haha we made some new friends and got some free food. (We love free food). Then we took the long bus ride up to the stake center to go to the Carol Festival. I didn't really know what is was other than there was going to be music and opportunities to pick up new friends! So we went and wow it completely exceeded my expectations! There was an entire churchfull of nonmembers and members all together to watch Calgary's best singing groups! It was an incredible program with awesome talent, and everyone was singing Christmas songs about Christ! I'm so glad I got to see that since I would have to pay to see these groups perform anywhere else.

Car on the way
We had interviews with President Keung again and it went great! We were talking about the mandarin work and how we can best help the Mandarin Branch progress. Then, out of nowhere he said "Elder, I got your letter and we are getting you a car" I'm so glad. We will still use public transportation to meet people and have contacting opportunities, but we cover way too much area to be effective on public transportation. And our apartment has underground parking:)

Anita update
We met with her again yesterday! She is still progressing and ready to be baptized next Saturday. We outlined a program and went though the baptismal interview questions again with her. She is very excited to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Just have to get verbal consent from the father and we should be good to go! I will keep you all updated on that:)

These first couple days of December have been unreal. I can't believe my mission is going by so fast!! As this Christmas season begins I get a lot of time to think about how grateful I am for everything in my life! I have been blessed to be raised with this amazing Gospel with an amazing family and friends! Light the World gives me a great opportunity to share a little bit of the same feeling with other people! The pure love of Christ is what this world needs more of. And i'm so grateful that all of you have provided it for me all these years! Have a great week everyone! <3

Elder Giles
