
The subject line says "I love you all" because I really do!! This week I have really thought a lot about how grateful I am for my family and friends. Thank you for your examples and demonstration of Christlike love! Christmas is just around the corner and Elder Choi and I have shared "The Christ Child" video about 100 times. This video is such an amazing way to bring the spirit into anyone's home. As we watch it, we challenge the people with us to focus on one character the whole 18 minutes. Afterwards, we talk about each of those characters and maybe what they were feeling at that time or something like that. Everytime everyone in the room has different input and testimonies about all the different characters. The testimonies people have about the Nativity are so amazing and uplifting! I challenge each of you to do this same activity with someone the spirit has led you to! I have seen "The Christ Child" video bring families closer right before my eyes! And I want all of you to see it too :)

I forgot my journal today so I really have no idea what happened. I don't know if I told you this but we got a car! We just cover too much area not easily accessible by public transportation to be effective in those areas. But yea, other than that we had zone conference and zone council. At Zone Council we just talk about how we can be more effective as a zone, set some more goals and have trainings from different missionaries! it was great. Zone Conference is a little different. There were a few different zones that came together to discuss numbers and stuff like that throughout the mission and some more training. And then last every district had to perform a Christmas song or skit. We just sang a hymn in Chinese, I think it was pretty bad. But, I was very impressed with what some of the districts came up with! One did a "Elder Scrooge" skit, where this missionary was being grumpy then went to sleep and got visited by the ghost of Christmas Past Present and Future. Had some crazy experiences and then was a changed missionary. Shoutout to them for coming up with all that honestly. After all the performances we had a white elephant gift exchange. I got a bunch of little Star Wars game pieces and a $5 gift card to Mcdonalds. I gave away some candles and some oatmeal, oops. 

I think we also went to a Christmas party this week. I love this season of seeing everyone so happy and joyful! Such a great time to be out here in Calgary doing missionary work. I just keep going back to how grateful I am for everyone around me! The members here in downtown are amazing . The missionaries I work with are great! 

Take some time out of your day to watch The Christ Child if you haven't already! Also take some time to take a step back and realize how good life is, and how grateful you are for those around you! Christmas is such a good time to show love to your friends and family! Have a good week! 

Elder Giles
