Opposition in all things

 Happy Monday, friends, and family.

This week has been super good. First full week of the transfer. We are seeing many miracles as we are working in our newer, bigger area. Elder Isom and I were able to find a bunch of new people to teach, through making many calls and talking to everyone while out and about, we are seeing great things happen! 

Last night we were able to help out filming a special "First Nations panel discussion". President Keung brought a bunch of the First Nations leaders together and had a 3.5-hour long discussion. It was supposed to be about mental health awareness but it turned into talking about successful marriages/families and testimonies of how the church has blessed them. Everyone was on a zoom call together and we were in charge of having a camera or phone setup for a second angle. At our chapel in Cochrane, we had 4 people come! So, Elder Isom and I had to run around and make sure all the cameras/phones were still running. It was quite the night... But everything turned out great! I'll send the link to the video when it all gets put together:)

A couple of the people we are teaching have decided to push their baptismal dates back. The opposition of family members/friends has them very anxious! They are still in touch with us and their member fellowship, and we know that this opposition will only make their testimonies stronger when the time for them to get baptized comes.

1 Nephi 17:3
And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.

I feel the Lord is providing a path for me here on the sojourn of my mission. These last two months are going to be amazing. I will cherish this time that I have had serving the Lord!

Can you believe I hit 22 months TODAY?

Elder Giles
