Downtown Calgary!!

Hello everybody! You look amazing today:) Shoutout to my dad, it was his birthday on the 23rd and I got to facetime him for a few minutes!! Not too much time this week but pretty much I'm downtown now! The area is really large and we have people spread out everywhere, which makes it really hard to get to appointments on public transportation! Elder Choi and I have been making it work, for the most part, we get multiple hours of contacting every day and get to study a lot. Here are the highlights of my week:)

Crazy transfer day with Elder Li
So in the process of switching to downtown, there was some confusion with how I was going to meet up with Elder Choi. Luckily enough, I ended up spending the day with my original trainer Elder Li! We were so excited to be back together and get some things DONE. But, as soon as we left the parking lot and made a few turns out, our tire completely blew out the side. I have no idea how it happened but luckily enough we were able to pull into the Lamborghini dealership and get some quick help putting the spare on. The rest of the day was crazy, just trying the get everyone situated in their new apartments and getting people beds in Cochrane! We finally met up with our companions late at night and started off the transfer!

Anita is on date for December 14th!
My first lesson downtown we put a 13-year-old girl of a part-member family on date! We didn't have much time to prepare for the lesson so we just planned on talking about the benefits of having the gift of the Holy Ghost. About halfway through the lesson Anita stops and says "So when would be like the next time I could get baptized??" I just threw out Dec 14th and she says "I can be ready by then!" Her parents are on board so it should be good!!

Without a car, we get to ride the bus QUITE a bit. Like everywhere. Especially on Sunday, we had to go to 3 different sacrament meetings all in different chapels around Calgary. This gave us lots of opportunity to invite people to come to church with us! Sadly, nobody accepted our invitation and we were late to all of the meetings because of bus delays but hey! We had fun! We also got 4 Chinese peoples phone numbers, and 2 new investigators for the Tagalog elders:)

Maple Leaf "Lesson"
So at the government English class in the city yesterday. I was talking to a good friend of mine named Jia Bo Li. Originally he had no interest in the church but he asked me to explain who Joseph Smith was. I took this chance to teach him the Restoration (at maple leaf academy technically we can't preach, but none of the workers speak Chinese:)) The lesson was going great! Then, out of nowhere he stops me during the great apostasy and proceeds to explain that China has many different pronunciations and tones. And that where he is from has the most correct of any, and that I should learn to talk like him... I just laughed and agreed!

This last week has been a really big adjustment. Downtown work is MUCH different than anywhere else, but I like it! The weather reaches a new record of cold everyday but that just means I get to wear my sweet winter jackets!! I love the work and the opportunity I get to be at the front lines. This gospel is true and the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of it! See you all handsome and beautiful people next week!

Elder Giles
