Week 8 in the MTC

Oh my goodness, I have so many emotions recently. This next week is my
last full week in the MTC... Like I literally leave here a week from
Wednesday! I never thought the day would come. Getting to the field
has always seemed like a distant, only talked about, theory. Kind of
like the eternities! But it’s so close I can taste it.

I have LOVED my time in the MTC, I have learned more in the last 8 weeks than I every
have or could anywhere else. I’m fortunate enough to have 9 more
days to prepare and put the bow on top of my MTC experience!

This week was very long but kind of a blur at the same time. We had
non-member TRC’s everyday, Deng Di Xiong (Brother Darrington) was our
teacher everyday. I also finished the Book of Mormon, and many other things.

The first part of the week was basically just classes, TRCs, and the
Tuesday night devotional. We went into a TRC with this sister named
XinTong Han, planning to teach her about the sabbath day, but the
lesson followed the spirit and we had to reassure some points with the
Book of Mormon. It was one of our most powerful lessons since we
talked about what she wanted to hear and the spirit wanted us to say.

Thursday morning, my companion and I went off campus to a wrist doctor
to see what is going on. Elder Vincent broke his wrist here in the first couple of weeks being at the MTC, and he needed to see the status before we leave for Canada. The wrist doctor said exactly what the MTC doctor said but this time it was that his wrist really isn’t healing!
So yea idk what the deal is but it was nice to get out and see the
world, and watch a little bit of the sandlot while I waited for
Thursday night I walked back from T4 after class to my
apartment with one of my Taiwanese friends that live right next door
to us. His name is 需长老 (Xu Zhang Lao). I talked to him and asked him
questions about his hometown and his mission, he was lit up with joy
as I talked to him in his language! I think it’s so awesome that I
have made and built up a relationship with these new Taiwanese elders
that can barely speak english! I am so excited to build up
relationships and improve my language skill when I get up to Calgary!

Friday was the day I finished the Book of Mormon. I started the day at
Ether 3 and read so much til the end. The end of the Book of Mormon
has so much great information from Moroni and Mormon. Friday night we
had our last class with one of our teachers, Guan Jie Mei, or Sister
Kwan. We had one last lesson with her but instead of teaching a made
up character, we just taught her. Elder Vincent and I went in with no
notes and a smile on our face. We love teaching about Faith in Christ,
because we can say a lot in Chinese about it and because it’s such a
powerful subject! We taught powerfully and simply as the spirit
directed us, as we finished we asked Guan JM if she would offer a
closing prayer. She broke out into tears about halfway through her
prayer, the spirit was so strong! She explained to Elder Vincent and I
that she was so grateful for our contributions in class and the “fire”
we brought into the room on our first day, and every day since! I am
so grateful for her and the amazing lessons she taught me in English
and Chinese.

Saturday was very fun! We always have a morning class and an afternoon
class on Saturday which is a good change. We have exercise time later
in the day! It was probably one of the funniest experiences I have had
in the MTC so far hahaha. To set the scene, I’m serving in volleyball,
I’m feeling good. I am about to hit the greatest serve of all time. I
throw up the ball, hit it and just imagine a spike from the back line
and that’s basically what it was. Everyone was shocked! Then, I get
the ball back and I’m still feeling good. I throw the ball up and hit
it just as hard but a little lower and a tad left. My good friend
Jiang Zhang Lao (Elder Jergensen) turns around to look at me right as the
ball hits him square in the face! He hits the floor and the ball
shoots across the gym. He’s laughing so hard and I literally can’t
handle myself, I was rolling around on the floor without control! By
far the hardest I have laughed in a while.

Sunday was also an awesome day! My companion got randomly picked to
say a talk on Knowledge and Virtue, it was funny since he didn’t
prepare a talk. He just used last weeks talk on diligence and changed a
few things! I was actually very impressed with his Chinese and
speaking skill because it really did seem like he prepared nicely.
After multiple hours of meetings and other activities we got back to
the room. I laid down for a while 30 minute nap before dinner, turns
out I missed dinner and slept for 2 hours, barely waking up in time
for the devotional hahaha. Oops.

That’s my week, it was a great one and a long one! I am so grateful
for the spirit here, I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to
learn and grow in preparation for the field! I am so glad I have a
loving Heavenly Father that is willing to give me support and energy
as I study daily. And for the Saviors atoning sacrifice that allows me
to repent everyday and become clean so I can progress! I love you all
and hope you have an amazing week!:)

Elder Giles
