Week 7: Week 7 complete!

Oh my goodness, I feel like I just got here and I’m a senior! I am in
my last 3 weeks! I LITERALLY leave 2 weeks from Wednesday... the MTC
is an amazing place. I know I will miss the spirit present and the
comfort of being around 2000 amazing other missionaries. But hey, I
won’t get ahead of myself, I still have 16 days to live it up and
learn as much as possible. 

Our district goal this week is RISE (with
diligence and charity) kind of a funny story behind RISE-I’ll send a
pic of the goal map. Our district was playing volleyball (of course)
and my companion finally joined us! Every time he would serve we would
run from 20 feet back yelling RISE, jump so high that he was basically
just spiking the serves, it was hilarious. So that’s where our goal of
RISE came to be (when you say it you have to point both fingers in the

I’ll be honest, last pday was a rough day, I got the opportunity to
clean the Provo Temple  and I wouldn’t change the experience for the
world! But, it completely messed up my day hahah! So sorry about the short, choppy email everyone. I had to cram all of
my pday chores into and hour at the same time as getting ready to do
my first online TRC. It was the first time I felt actual stress in the
MTC... but Monday night came and I told to my friend Elder Bunker:
“I’m gonna bounce back and make tomorrow great.” I owe it all the
Heavenly Father, I prayed and prayed for energy (Qing bangzhu wo you
tili) and He provided! Ask and ye shall receive!

Wednesday was an awesome day as well. It felt like the length of 3
days but that’s a blessing because I got to learn more:) 3 main things
happened, He had our first “non-member” TRC. Which was crazy, Elder
Vincent and I are so used to teaching our teachers that always accept
baptism in the second visit, that this was kind of an eye opener. It
was soo cool to see their eyes light up as we bore testimony of our
loving Heavenly Father, we took all 25 minutes doing it! 

Secondly, my
white shirts from “Blue and White Collar” came in thanks for
myownmealplan! These white shirts are a life changer. They are breathable, moisture wicking, and wrinkle resistant. If you’re
wondering what they are just imagine a lulu lemon white dress shirt and boom.
They put me in such a great mood when they arrived! Third, we got a HUGE batch of new
missionaries. I think it was 69 new Chinese speakers!! 3 of them
happened to be from Woods Cross! Laoshi Jennens has planted a seed in
so many student that will spread the church around the world!! So so
grateful for him and all he does.

The rest of the week after that was just great. We kept having non-member
TRCs every day, taught my teacher again and ran her through some
baptismal questions, Deng Di Xiong-the legend, is now my official
teacher instead of a resource teacher. I am really loving life these
last 3 weeks are such a blessing, we can really really learn and grow
so much.

Sunday was my first Sunday as District leader, it really changes how
the day goes since I had to wake up early and get ready in the dark!
I had a zone council where we talked about how we can improve the zone
and stuff like that. It’s crazy how the spirit can direct and lead
discussions, I felt it so strongly! During fasten testimony meeting I
was sitting next to Elder Kyden Lee, a good friend from high school!
He looked over at me and said “Elder Giles, look my my tie! You can
see my heartbeat” I was a little confused at what was happening but
then I looked at him and said “someone in this room really needs to
hear what you have to say.” He then got up and bore such an amazing
testimony using both English and Cantonese. So awesome! After that we
had a few awesome devotionals and yea that brings us to here.

If you have made it this far I thank you! I gotta apologize for last
weeks email I did not have time to write much! I love you all so much,
I’m so grateful for this opportunity to serve! I wouldn’t want to be
doing it in any other language:) have an amazing week!

Elder Giles
