Last full MTC week!

What a week. This has been one of the best weeks of my life. There is
just something special about the 9th week. Maybe it’s because I’ve
slept in an MTC bed 67 times, or that I’ve eaten over 200 meals here.
Idk but the spirit was strong this week.

Tuesday was awesome. We had our first class with Aì Jie Mei (Sister
Love) back from Hawaii so that was nice! One of the classes the
teacher above all teachers names Nie Jie Mei came into our class and
called all of us to repentance because apparently she didn’t feel the
spirit when she entered our class... I think it humbled each of us a
ton! Basically what I got from her speech is that we all can do better
at asking the Lord what we can do to improve. For the Tuesday night
devotional, they brought in the director of missionary operations to
answer frequently asked missionary questions.

Wednesday morning we moved apartments... that was not the greatest.
Then, I got to host the new coming missionaries again! It through off
our study and class schedule so at first I wasn’t happy about it but
then something happen that was so special! As I got to the front of
the line to pickup the next missionary, I see a familiar car, it’s
Truman Nelson! I jump the fence and tell the leader that I have to
host my friend! After a short scolding for jumping the fence she let
me go:) I am so so happy that I got to host Elder Nelson! It made my
week, and possibly the last 9 weeks worth it. The combination of a
fresh incoming missionary and one of my best friends at the same time
brought my energy and spirits up so much! Ah I love that guy!

Thursday was pretty good, we had our last workshop with Zach Simons (a
good friend I met here that’s actually Gretchen Simons cousin, not
sure how we made that connection) but yea, we said bye to him and
thanked him for all of the amazing wisdom he gave me and my companion
about the mission. The TRC we had on Thursday wasn’t the best ever, I
tried explaining the 3 kingdoms of glory in Chinese. I don’t have the
vocabulary to explain the 3 kingdoms of glory in Chinese... it’s all
good I had the Lord with me to help me explain!

Friday was just a normal day, but like a really good normal day. Not
much happened but I saw my friend Elder Posaki (probably spelled
wrong). It was nice to see him and give him some 9 week veteran
knowledge for him:) he’ll be great! I basically told him that there
will be a lot of highs and lows over the next 9 weeks, and what I
learned to do is a ride the highs and grind the lows. Basically, when
ur happy and loving life, be happy and love life, smile and laugh,
lift others to your level. And when ur not loving it as much, grind.
Learn as much as you can. Study the language, do scripture study,
anything that stretches you mind! Doing this will make the MTC and
life better.

Saturday we woke up, had classes, meals, and study until 5, then
celebrated til midnight. I don’t recommend staying up that late but it
was a nice note to end on with the roommates! We drank Martinelli's and
played charades. It was great.

Sunday was probably top 3 favorite days in the MTC so far. It was a
day packed full of meetings, and 3 devotionals... sounds like a
nightmare but it was actually awesome! I wrote in my journal: “I
filled 4 pages full of notes today, all personal revelation and
guidance. That’s how I know my Father in Heaven loves me.” I know that
we have a loving Heavenly Father that wants to help us. He wants to
give us direction. We just have to seek, by praying and listening!
Love you all! Have such an amazing week! My next letter will be from

Elder Giles
