Week 5: Another week in the MTC

This week was awesome, I learned so much and didn't get that tired! The Chinese is coming along. I have been blessed to be in an amazing district of people who are all so excited and willing to work to learn this language, awesome testimonies too! Nothing really too out of the ordinary happened this week, just simply went to class, studied, and played volleyball.

The first half of this week the gym was closed which meant 1 good thing and 2 bad things, I'll start with the 2 bad things. First, we didn't get to play volleyball inside so we played outside in the blistering dry heat (still fun though) memories were made and competitive Chinese phrases were yelled! Second, since the gym was closed that also meant that the devotional hall was closed, so they had to spread the devotional out into 5 different rooms around the MTC, Elder Vincent and I were lucky enough to be in the MTC choir so we got front seats in the main room:) (i guess that wasn't really a bad thing either, haha) 

The one good reason for the devotional hall being closed is the fact that my zones service project is setting up and taking down the chairs in the devo hall twice a week. While it was closed we didn't have anything to do so we got some sweet sweet extra time at night to relax in the apartments! much needed. 

That's pretty much it for this week, sorry its a little bit shorter this week but just know that i'm doing awesome, and i am loving every moment i have here in the MTC! every-time i have a doubt or a thought i just remember to take a step back and remember what i am doing. I have been set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to represent the Lord. I am not out here for myself. I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity to be a missionary speaking mandarin Chinese! Every day i get closer and closer to actually being in the field! so excited and ready to get out there! Have an amazing week! remember that Heavenly Father knows you! He knows how you're feeling and what you're going through! See you next week:)
