1 more week

 Hey. This next week is the week of "last's" for me... Last district meeting, last food bank shift, last weekly planning, last sacrament meeting. It doesn't feel quite real yet! My mission has been a blast. I have learned so many life skills as well as strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel. 

This last week we had 2-day exchanges. One of which was over on the east side of Calgary, with the Chestermere elders, and the other in downtown with the APs! Covid exchanges are kind of the worst since we can't legally drive together and we have to wear masks at the chapel all day. But, it is really nice to see how other missionaries are doing things, teach lessons with them, and learn some more from them. 

It felt weird this week to start hearing the members say: "well if we don't get to see you again, good luck!" and "please come back and visit soon!" I will miss the people that I have met and served up here. Really only having 2 areas means I had a chance to get pretty close with the people I served around... I will forever cherish the memories I made with those I got to help come closer to Christ. 

I'll never forget the first section in Preach My Gospel:

"You are surrounded by people. You pass them on the street, visit them in their homes, and travel among them. They are all children of God, your brothers and sisters. God loves them just as He loves you. Many of these people are searching for purpose in life... You are called to represent Jesus Christ in helping people become clean from their sins and find greater happiness and joy. You do this by inviting them to come unto Jesus Christ and become converted to His restored gospel."

We have lots of teaching appointments lined up for this week. I will keep working hard to the finish. President Keung says "Knees high and arms pumping."

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so special. The message of the restoration is so unique and so necessary. And the Plan of Salvation is so comforting. I have loved being able to teach and apply these teachings into my own life and into the lives and those I have met. 

3 Nephi 15:9 Behold, I am the law and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.

Can't wait to see all of you:)

Elder Giles
