Hooey no doey

 In Maori, the word "hooey" means to meet, like "meeting". President Keung said something a couple of months ago about how we need to focus more on the "doey" of missionary work, even though we have lots of "hooey". 

This week was just one big "hooey". We tried to squeeze in as many lessons and finding activities that we could between the hooey, but the days ended before we could get to everything we needed to accomplish. With DCM (District council meeting), MLC (mission leadership council), Technology Council, Stewardship calls, ZCM (zone council meeting), and General Conference, we had many amazing opportunities to receive some revelation.

Yesterday we also had the opportunity to fast for a sister in our mission that just got sent home for having a bunch of tumors on her spine... Our mission came together to fast and pray for her health. She goes into surgery today, please keep her in your prayers!

Elder Pitman, a missionary that I served around for probably 21 months or so just finally got home to New Zealand! It was sad to see him go but it was definitely his time to depart. His companion, Elder Ryder, has been with Elder Cotrell and me for about six days and it has been a party. Trio's are definitely something else. 

General Conference was AMAZING as usual! Such a revelatory experience for us all. To finish my email this week I'll just add a few things I wrote in my notebook:)

  • Failures don't have to define us, they can refine us!
  • Our decisions can yield long term advantages or disadvantages
  • Our faith is increased or diminished by our imaginations
  • The future is bright for covenant-keeping people
  • Turn to the savior and build a foundation on Him
  • God knows the details of our lives
  • Faith can bring miracles if it is God's will
  • Teach correct principles and let them govern themselves
Have a wonderful week:)

Elder Giles
