This church is so true


Crazy story. So our friend Emmanuel, who is on date for Feb 17 went to church in-person yesterday. Up to this point, we had not taught him the full restoration. Just the Plan, the Gospel, and a few other commandments and temple stuff. Nobody else knew this! But, the speakers get up and teach about Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and Prayer. At first, we are saying "dang, Bishop is gooood at picking topics" Then the mom gets up and says "we were told to pick our own topics, so we prayed as a family and felt inspired to talk about the restoration...". Mind you, Elder Cotrell and I are watching from our apartments since we are in quarantine... We are literally going crazy about all of this. THEN, a member of the stake president (President Nzojibwami, from Africa, came to Calgary as an immigrant, literally the same person as Emmanuel) gets up and shares his testimony of the Book of Mormon and the blessings he has received from meeting the missionaries and deciding to get baptized!! They mingle a bit after sacrament meeting and the bishop takes him for a walk around the temple grounds. He expressed that he KNOWs that nothing happens for a reason and that God's hand has been leading him to this moment. This church is so dang true it's crazy.

It has been a WEEK, to say the least. We had an in-person zone conference where some not-so-smart Elders came waiting on their covid test results. Towards the end of the conference, they get the results back as positive... Everyone at the conference had to go straight home and quarantine!! 2 full zones and most of the mission leadership all had to get tested asap and have a precautionary 2-week quarantine. Pretty sure everyone tested negative but by law, we are still required to isolate... So, we are 5ish days in, will get to leave our apartment again on Feb 10!

The first few days in quarantine were WACK. Elder Cotrell was showing some major symptoms so we had to isolate to separate rooms. I had the bedroom and he was in the study room. Each time we had to go to the washroom or kitchen, we had to wear a mask and sanitize everything... sooo wack. We were on two different screens for each lesson and meeting, our wifi was not having it most of the time lolol

This is what my setup looked like for a few days!

Here's a cute pic of my landlord flashing his Twitter profile - give him a follow!

That's all folks! Please reach out if you need anything! I love to hear from you!

Elder Giles
