Heyyy! Happy Holidays from the North!

 Heyyy! Happy Holidays from the North! 

Just so you know, it snowed ALOT yesterday and I'm so happy. The good ole Chevy Colorado is doing great with the 4-wheel drive and brand new tires.

I wished for a white Christmas and it totally happened.

They gave us cool Christmas hats to wear at our foodbank shift. Everyone was so cheerful and happy with the Christmas spirit!

Here's a cringy picture of Elder Cotrell and I making videos for someone on Facebook who had a ton of questions about the plan of salvation.

Honestly, my mind power is too low to think back at what happened this week. All I know is there are probably 30 lbs of Christmas cookies on our counter, and members just keep them coming! We had 15 member lessons this week, getting around to everyone who signed up on our "missionary visit calendar". My companion has a firm testimony that "the more members we teach, the more non-members we will teach". And he is totally right! We are teaching more and more non-members as we spend time helping our members!

Kinda cool story: A lady named Shamiso requested a bible from one of our missions Facebook marketplace ads. We had a hard time keeping in touch, trying to get a time scheduled where we could drop it off to her and her family, but she was pretty shady with the communication. Also, we accidentally dropped our last bible off to her neighbor! oops. A couple of weeks go by and we finally get our hands on another bible, a couple of attempts later Shamiso finally answers! She is such an outgoing, loud, loving person! She was so happy to see her free bible. Their family had just moved from Quebec and in the move, they lost all of the bibles. After talking with her for a couple of minutes, we found out that she is actually from a town Elder Cotrell's brother served in, in Africa! We are meeting with her and her 7 kids tonight over zoom, wish us luck!

Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Mosiah 5:15
Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in the earth, who is God above all. Amen.

Tiz the season to remember Him!

Elder Giles
