Covid part 2 and new transfer

 Apparently, things are getting pretty rough here in Alberta! We were in a member lesson last night that was telling us all about the new restrictions... Pretty much the same thing as Covid part 1 just a second time! Alberta-wide, no social gatherings with anyone outside your home bubble inside or out. All non-essential shops are being closed until at least Jan 12, 2021. 

We had a pretty close encounter with covid a few days ago. Someone from our ward was working on our computers at the chapel so we left for lunch, we went back and kept working in that room, the member was gone. A couple of days later he said "sorry elders, another member came in and talked with me while I was working on your computer, he wasn't feeling well and just got tested positive.." luckily he didn't touch anything or get close but we are sure he touched the door handle... we sanitized the whole room and called it good, neither of us is feeling ill!

Anyway, I got a new companion! His name is Elder Cotrell. He is from Ohio and has spent his whole mission in the deep south of the mission. He is excited to be up here in the big leagues and is already loving Rocky Ridge/Royal Oak NW!

ps. we didn't take any pictures together except for that one ^

We had to give a mission-wide training yesterday morning! We got a call from the APs two days ago saying President asked that we give training on anything from Preach My Gospel. It seemed like a no brainer that we train on two attributes of Christ: Love and Obedience. Elder Cotrell and I have already had many great conversations on the importance of balancing love and obedience!
Here a few quotes we used to discuss:

"You can know you have been a successful missionary when you:
Love people and desire their salvation.
Obey with exactness."
PMG pg 11

"You will come to feel a sincere concern for the eternal welfare and happiness of other people. You will see them as children of God with the potential of becoming like our Heavenly Father, and you will labor in their behalf. You will avoid negative feelings such as anger, envy, lust, or covetousness. You will avoid judging others, criticizing them, or saying negative things about them. You will try to understand them and their points of view. You will be patient with them and try to help them when they are struggling or discouraged."
PMG pg 125

"Obedience is the first law of heaven. It is an act of faith. You may sometimes be required to do things you do not completely understand. As you obey, you increase in faith, knowledge, wisdom, testimony, protection, and freedom."
PMG pg 129

The training went very well! We invited everyone to choose to focus on improving their love, or their obedience:)

I love that quote at the top: "hope does not mean ignoring or being naive about the world’s problems; it means having faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, whose power is greater and more everlasting than those problems. It means “lay[ing] hold upon every good thing” (Moroni 7:19). It means letting the Atonement of Jesus Christ “and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind” (Moroni 9:25). And until the glorious day of Christ’s Second Coming, it means never ceasing the “labor [we have] to perform … [to] conquer the enemy of all righteousness” (Moroni 9:6)."

Jesus Christ lives! He is the way!

Just got this from Pres. Not too bad! Covid is a beast but we got this!

All Zone Conferences and District Council Meetings will be held virtually.
All work (teaching and proselyting) shall now be conducted in our apartments. When an ESL Class is conducted, such may continue in a Church Building using the Family History Center.  A limitation, however, is placed at 15% of the capacity of the Family History Center.
Essential travel only – Medical, Grocery Shopping, Emergency needs.
Meals from members may be accepted as currently in place.
All indoor and outdoor social gatherings, public and private is not permitted; this includes gathering in Districts on PDays or on any other occasion.
Baptismal attendance is limited to 10 persons (no change)
