
  There is a lot to be grateful for...

I am grateful for our living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, who gave such an amazing message last Friday! Many people are in desperate need of hope and healing. He is so close to the Savior right now! He has been prepared to be here for us at this time.

I am grateful for loving parents who have taught me the basic fundamentals of following the prophet. My parents have been such an amazing example of Christlike love and diligence. They have done everything for me.
They have provided an amazing atmosphere of love and gospel learning.

I am grateful for my siblings. Jeff, Alex, Jack, Sierra, and Brandon. They are my best friends. I look up to each of them so much! They understand so well why family is important. They turn outwards when things get rough. They watch over each other.
I am so grateful I get to be with them forever!

I am grateful for technology. This amazing tool has made life possible. Technology has changed the way we do things and will continue to adapt and change for years to come! Technology has helped me see that the Lord truly does watch over us,
and prepares us for what is to come.

I am grateful for my mission. I have met some amazing people, amazing examples of service and dedication. I have seen the gospel of Jesus Christ change lives. My mission has been hard, but it has taught me how to adapt to change.
It has taught me how to feel joy no matter the circumstance. 

I am grateful for my mission president and his wife. President and Sister Keung have been literally amazing! They love more than I have seen someone love. They have adapted to change so well by relying on the Lord and the revelation that is given plentiful.

I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I was reminded in a lesson last night that my testimony started on 2 basic principles. Eternal Perspectives, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He makes it all possible. He allows us to come unto him and be healed, even perfected! I have seen that as people come to know Jesus Christ, they are transformed!
He has transformed me.

And I am grateful for all of you!!

Elder Giles
