
This October General Conference was focused much on "Change", change of thoughts, change of actions, change in the way we do things, change to bring ourselves in closer harmony with God's will, and many more aspects of change.

“True conversion depends on seeking freely in faith, with great effort and some pain. Then it is the Lord who can grant … the miracle of cleansing and change.” 
-President Henry B. Eyring 

My studies this week have been focused on that topic, What do I need to change in order to be a better disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Sometimes the answer is prominent and easy to acknowledge and repent, other times you must dig deep, with intense spiritual focus, to listen to what God wants for you. The hardest thing is that what God wants for us isn't always what we think it's going to be. But as we prepare ourselves, and press forward with a steadfastness in Christ. We will be blessed with the knowledge and direction needed to keep going.

A good first step is to ask God in prayer and ponder intently, "What am I doing that I need to stop doing?" and "What am I not doing that I need to start?"
These questions could open the door to revelation!

"I occasionally run into friends whom I haven’t seen for many years. Sometimes they say, 'You haven’t changed at all!' Each time I hear that, I cringe a little, because I hope I have changed over the years. I hope I have changed since yesterday! I hope I am a little kinder, less judgmental, and more compassionate. I hope I am quicker to respond to the needs of others, and I hope I am just a little bit more patient."
-Sister Becky Craven

"Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning was now come, Jesus astood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes."
John 21:3-6

2 Degrees Celsius with Jerry and the rest of the Mandarin missionaries last night!

Best pancake I have made yet

Pumpkin Carving Pday! 吉

Twas a great week! Sad to say it was my last week with Elder Choi... we were just a few weeks from our anniversary. A long lived brotherhood. Spent our last week together in many ESL meetings/classes, member lessons, and doing all we could to talk to more people. The times we had will never be forgotten!
I got called to be a Zone Leader and Elder Choi will be serving over 3 English wards. Both of us will continue to support the other Elders in the Mandarin work while taking on the new responsibilities. This next transfer is going to be a great one!

With all this talk on change the Lord decided to throw us a curveball. We know He has a plan for us and for each person we will affect wherever we go!

I know that Jesus Christ wants us to change and He did what He needed to do in order for us to change. 

Have a great week!

Elder Giles
