September 16th

 Hello friends and family! I cannot believe that September is halfway over! I feel like the majority of my mission I am just mesmerized because of how fast the time is going... In the MTC I annoyed my district everyday by always pointing out how much the sun has moved since a certain point in time. Now I'm sure I annoy many more people by pointing out how many cycles the moon has gone through. Just constantly astonished by how time actually DOES fly when you're having fun! We are all just soaking up the last little bit of "summer" we have, snow is not falling yet but the temperature is almost cold enough for it to happen any day now! 

Snow passed her baptismal interview a couple days ago, thanks again for keeping her in your prayers! We are all good to go for next Thursday!

We got a new relief society presidency in the branch! One of the members I worked very closely with while I lived downtown is now the new relief society president! Her name is Lisa and she is an amazing convert of a couple years! She has such a love for the sisters in the branch, we are excited to see what happens under her leadership:) There are also a few rumors going around about more leadership changes happening in the branch this week, but we haven't got any of the details yet. While talking about all the changes happening, Elder Johnsons said "missionary work is stirring in the branch". We are seeing miracles everyday and we know there are good things to come!

On Sunday, we went over to the Gao's house for dinner! After an amazing meal, Lynn and Kurt and their family came over to join us for a short Family Home Evening. We talked about many different things, but the most apparent to me was the conversation we had about Priesthood blessings. Our members had some awesome experiences and miracles to share about these blessings. Towards the end of our talk, Sister Gao suggested that we give her son a priesthood blessing because he had been feeling a bit ill. (remember, we aren't allowed to go inside yet so Elder Choi and I reached through the back door to give him this blessing hahaha). Afterwards, Lynn (our investigator) said that she had been feeling very sore, so she wanted to get one as well! After we gave her a blessing she said she felt so good! Sister Gao told her that this feeling she had was the spirit. This experience is so awesome because Lynn has told us before that she had a hard time feeling promptings from the Holy Ghost!! The spirit is real! He comforts us and brings peace to our souls.

I feel inclined to share with you the words of one of the FSY church music songs that I really like! The song is called "rest":

"’ll find rest from your worries.

You’ll find peace for your soul.

You’ll find strength in your journey

Wherever you go.

You’ll find light in the darkness

And hope once again.

When you follow the Savior,

You’ll find rest."

I know that as we follow the Savior the spirit will bring peace to our souls! The Holy Ghost can be a part of our everyday lives as we diligently follow Jesus Christ and keep His commandments~! The rest that is available to us, through Christ, is different than any other rest. It's a combination of peace, comfort, and love. I know Jesus Christ loves you!

Have a fantastic week!

Elder Giles
