Suit and Tie

So i'm pretty sure it's a thing that missionaries buy a new suit around 9-10 months... At my 9-10 month mark we were in quarantine so I thought, eh i'll be alright, we won't be going to any meetings so I can wait. Turns out this week, I wore a suit 4 of the 6 days! Zone Council, Come Follow Me lessons, District Council, and Zone Conference. It was a pretty busy week for meetings! Nonetheless, we learned a lot about progressing this work, finding new people, and working closely with our front-line members. I am forever grateful for President Keung and his amazing leadership in this mission! His spirit and drive is pushing us to the next level. Also Sister Keung is amazingly pushing forward this work on social media! We are all so blessed.

Couple highlights from this week:
Met with a member referral named Linda this week! She wanted to improve her English Reading and Writing but the EnglishConnect courses we use don't teach reading and writing! ahaha so, we read from the Book of Mormon stories with her! Towards the end of the lesson she explained that she is tired of being confused. She just wants to believe in something! So, we asked if we could bring a member to the next lesson and talk about some of the things we KNOW to be true! She agreed and set up a time this week!!

We attempted our first ever online group English class! We had us and another set of missionaries on a zoom call with 3 students and a member hahaha! We went through the lesson and used the breakout room feature to pair the students up with a teacher 1-on-1 to practice. Then we would come back together and talk about it! Overall, the class went pretty well; it just takes lots of preparation and planning to have it go smoothly.

This week I have thought a lot about receiving guidance from the Holy Ghost, more specifically receiving revelation. It takes time and constant effort to receive guidance in this life! God asks us to put in our best effort and keep his commandments and He will bless us. I found this really cool process of receiving revelation and I want to invite all of you to try and apply it to your lives!

1. Pray for guidance
2. Be reverent
3. Be humble
4. Keep the commandments
5. Partake of the sacrament worthily
6. Study the scriptures every day
7. Take time to ponder
8. Patiently seek God's will

These simple steps will open the door to revelation! I can promise you that you will receive the guidance all of us need so much in these crazy times.
"But in the coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost" (President Nelson April 2018 General Conference)

Love you all!
Elder Giles
