Busy Online~

Hey all! This week has been another suuuper good one as usual! As some of you may know, Elder Zhong and I have been on the HUNT for a working computer. Having a nice, fast computer that we could get our videos uploaded fast, as well as add to the efficiency of all we do, would change the dynamic of our work. Well, this week we met up with a member/returned missionary named Mike Chen. Brother Chen is in charge of broadcasting all the YSA online "devotionals", so he has his 2nd computer set up at the YSA chapel in our area! He told us that we can use it anytime during the week as long as we aren't there on Sunday! So that was a huge blessing!! Now we are able to get some work done online without waiting for the computer to load forever! hahaha

We also had an "Ammon" experience in one of our lessons with Linda this week. We asked, "Do you know what our relationship with God is like?" and she was like "I do not know what that meanth..." then the rest of the story continues. Our member bore a great testimony and all the sudden the 40 minutes we had on Zoom came to a close. We all got kicked out of the meeting!! Sad we weren't able to finish with a prayer, but nonetheless, We helped her understand a little bit more about our relationship with God!

ESL is still going crazy! We have almost finished developing the software to distribute signups automatically. Elder Zhong and I have about 5 ESL meetings a week, training other missionaries and getting everyone on board with teaching ESL. President Keung brought us and a couple ZL companionships into a zoom meeting and shared with us the WHY of ESL. Why are we putting so much effort into this type of service? What scriptural passage backs up the reasoning behind all of this? The answer is in 2 Nephi 1:6: 

"Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me, that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord."

ESL classes are a great service and a way for missionaries to meet more people. But just like Lehi prophesied when they first got to this land: shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord. The people that are moving here to Calgary, Canada are brought here for a reason. On the surface it may seem like it's for work or a better life, but we also know that down below, the Lord is guiding them here to learn the truth of His gospel. The people we are teaching are the elect!

2 Nephi 10:22
"For behold, the Lord God has aled away from time to time from the house of Israel, according to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all those who have been broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also."

I testify that the Lord God truly does know and love us!! He awaits our return!

Much Love,
Elder Giles
