Technology Blessings

Hey Hey! How's everyone holding up?? I hope things are staying in-tact in the world. Things are going just great here in Calgary! Still kinda in the transition of full time technology work but getting better at it everyday! The last 3 Mandarin Elders in the smallest apartment have been super fun Elder Johnson and I have been having a really good time! It's nice to have someone who I can talk to without a language barrier! But, it's really nice to have Elder Choi around!! Wow such a blessing that he is still here!
Here are some of the things happening in my life!

Days of transition
A couple days this week were pretty rough. We didn't really know how to use our time and were feeling really discouraged. Didn't even do daily planning because we didn't have any lessons to prepare for and didn't know what to do with our time! It was ROUGH. But, we pushed through and seeked guidance from the Spirit! Got motivation to call every single one of our members and try to set up times we could talk about General Conference. That led to so many member appointments and finally some structure to our days! Since then we have been able to set up English lessons with some of our old students and overall been suuuuper busy recently.

awesome week for our key indicators
As part of that transition we also put so much effort into our key indicators! (New investigators, General Conference views, and On Date for Baptism) We were able to pick up the children of one of our present investigators and 2 others from Online English lessons! We also invited Soooooo many people to watch the historic General Conference! 16 of the people we are teaching were able to watch it and they loved it so much!! Great opportunity for them to feel the spirit and develop a testimony of Prophets!
member lessons
In our member lessons we have been developing such great relationships just over facetime! Talking about the new SHANGHAI TEMPLE and also just their favorite parts of General Conference!

Idek what to say. What an amazing Conference.. I felt the spirit the entire 10 hours. Every single talk was so amazing! The new logo. The new Bicentennial Proclamation. The DUBAI and SHANGHAI TEMPLES. Just amazing! Such evidence that we truly are a part of the greatest cause of all time. I love what Jeffrey R. Holland said about how we can Hope for even more incredible miracles in the coming future than we have seen in the past. What an amazing time we all live in! So glad to be a part of this amazing church!

I've talked a lot about how much I love cleaning out old missionary apartments. It brings me so much joy to have a clean house. (thanks mom). I think it compares to de-junking our lives! Unfortunately we all make mistakes everyday so it is necessary that we take a step back and realize what we need to change. Through Jesus Christ we can be forgiven and become clean! 
2 Corinthians 5:17–18
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

Let me know what you liked from General Conference! I would love to hear what you all learned from the amazing speakers! Love you all, Keep Pushing!!

Elder Giles
