Be Humble... Do Anything...

That famous quote is from our boy Max last night. We were teaching him a few more of the commandments, getting ready for his BAPTISM next week! When we were teaching him the blessings of paying tithing and fasting he was loving it.That's when he dropped the quote of the week... "Be humble... Do anything..." His testimony of God-given commandments is so strong! He is so excited. We went through the baptismal interview questions in Chinese first, no stress. Then we practiced in English and he freaked out! So we got permission for Elder Choi to call into his interview as a translator. Thank you for everyone that is keeping Max in your prayers! " grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)
Be Humble.. Do anything.

"Behold, the Lord hath created the earth that it should be inhabited; and he hath created his children that they should possess it." (1 Nephi 17:36)
This past week has been really good! The weather is feeling like summer, sometimes too hot. I miss being able to go outside and cool off after a lesson or a work out. But I cannot complain! Wearing a short-sleeve white shirt has not been a huge part of my mission until now, and I'm loving it! 

Here's the highlight of the week. President Keung called an emergency mission-wide zoom meeting on Saturday morning. He was calling because he has been on the phone with general authorities all morning trying to figure out how many new missionaries could come to the mission. Basically the president just told them "Keep them coming.." So, the first hour and a half of the meeting he called everyone to repentance and went over everything we needed to do to keep our mission culture in check with all these new missionaries coming in. Next, he said that we could receive up to 20 more chinese speaking missionaries... Mandarin and Cantonese... Holy cow! I stopped him and asked if he had mis-spoken but he said no. Next week we could be starting a new Chinese speaking ZONE here in Calgary Canada. From 1 companionship, to a zone. We still don't know what to expect for exact numbers or have any idea where they'll all be assigned. But next week the Chinese program is going to change completely. Elder Johnson, Elder Choi, and I are doing all we can to prepare for this great "new beginning!"

"God was preparing their hearts So He could light up the dark, ’Cause it was time for a new beginning." (Pillar of Light, Youth Theme Music) give it a listen! I love that song.

A lot of our time in between lessons and studies has been used to make Social Media content for our new Chinese facebook page! It's a little bit dry because just having 1 companion post 3 times a day is kind of a lot, but it has been so much fun! Photo-shoots, short movie-making. If anyone has ideas for good content let us know! 
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

I led my second District Council Meeting this week.The meeting was so good and we definitely had some great revelation flowing, but towards the last 10 minutes in the meeting I could barely form sentences! I don't know if people do it honestly! My respect truly goes out to Elder Vincent for being such an amazing district leader even in our first transfer out here in the field. The Lord calls who he sees fit! Ezra Taft Benson said "The Lord expects each of us to have a calling in His church so that others may be blessed by our talents and influence."

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! Words cannot describe my gratitude for each of you. I hope and pray that each of you are doing alright in quarantine! Have a great week:)
