Missionary Work Continues

Hello everyone! Not a suuuper lot of time today/ not a whole lot to talk about other than life is good! I'm creeping up on 9 months on the mission so that's a little surreal. The work is progressing, we are seeing the fruits of our labors, and we are continuing to work hard to find chinese people everyday. We found a couple new friends this week! Amy from knocking doors, Paola from ESL, and a couple others we need to get in contact with from other activities. We had both Zone Conference and Zone Council this week so definitely learned a lot about what we can do to progress our individual teaching and finding efforts. 

At one of our English classes this week we had only one student, and her name was Paola from Columbia! We sat down and had a really good english lesson and when class came to a close the spanish ward started their ward party! They invited us and Paola to come join and have some fun! We had a good time and some good laughs. AND the Hermanas got Paola to come to church with them! ESL had been and will continue to be such an amazing way to make new friends and introduce people to the gospel!

This week I have really been doing a lot of studying, pondering, and thinking about how the Spirit works in each and every one of us. I have been so grateful for the spirit guiding me to find certain people that are in need. What would we do without the spirit?? God loves us and he wants to be happy, in order to receive that happiness we need to do what He wants, and what is best for us. So, we must be in tune with spiritual promptings. Living worthy of the spirit is the only way we are going to make it through this life! I love what James E. Faust says about this:

"Personal revelation comes as a testimony of truth and as guidance in spiritual and temporal matters. Members of the Church know that the promptings of the Spirit may be received upon all facets of life, including daily, ongoing decisions. How could anyone think of making an important decision such as “Who is to be my companion?”, “What is my work to be?”, “Where will I live?”, and “How will I live?” without seeking the inspiration of Almighty God."

AND in D&C 42:61
If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.

Sorry, nothing too crazy but I'm so happy to be doing what I'm doing. Missionary work is sooo much fun! I love to feel the prompting and comfort of the Holy Ghost each and everyday. Heavenly Father loves each and every one of His children, Jesus Christ died for us so we can improve, and The Holy Ghost is for us to receive the guidance we need from our Heavenly Father. Much love:)

Elder Giles
