
This week was not too bad! I cannot believe its already February!! Here's what happened this week.

Had another super awesome lesson with Grace! The only time she could have it before she went to Chicago was during Zone Council so we called the Zone leaders for forgiveness! (it was Elder Li's last ZC so it was a-little sad) Anyways, we went over to her house and she was so excited to see us! She had read from the Book of Mormon, had some questions, and was ready to learn more. We were going to teach the Plan of Salvation, but we both felt prompted to reteach the Restoration more simply for her. She just understands why what we teach makes so much sense! Elder Choi and I taught her and testified of the things we know are true. She loved it again and was willing to take the Book of Mormon with her to Chicago, and pray about it! Yay

Helping a student translate a college interview
One of the students we help at the Maple Leaf academy needed some help this week! I'm not sure if he told Elder Choi what we were getting into but I honestly had no idea. We got into the interview and our friend went silent. He didn't feel comfortable at all and she had only asked things like "how old are you" "How long have you lived in Calgary" He couldn't answer in Chinese or English. The lady doing the interview thought it was because we weren't able to translate that well... Overall a train-wreck. But, an angel worker came out of nowhere. She explained that she was from China and knew all the answers he needed to know. They had a great conversation while we all just sat there grateful that she had come around.

Chinese New New Year Party
This whole day was pretty much devoted to the party. We went to the chapel first thing in the morning to setup tables and decorations. From the time that finished to the start of the party, we were at the chapel doing some invitations, studies, and dragon dance practice. We had practiced doing some dancing earlier but it was never very real. We didn't have to head of the dragon so no one really knew what it was going to be like. One thing led to another and I was moved from the very back, to the lead. We had a general idea of where we were going to go and how we were going to move the dragon. The party started and we had a pretty good turnout given the situation (no chinese people will go outside in fear of the virus). Had some amazing food and got to meet a-lot of the inactive members I hadn't yet! An old friend that had gotten taught by Elder LI came and I was able to make a friendship with her and schedule a time to meet this week! The dragon dance went amazing, the members hyped us up after and said it was the best they had ever seen. I'm glad the party went as well as it did!

Teaching Young Mens/ Womens
Our Young Mens Leader is out of town so he asked me and Elder Choi to cover the lesson! We combine the Young mens and women's since there was only 3 total. But, the lesson went amazing! We talked about 1 Nephi 16-22 where Nephi is faced with a lot of trials but he shows us a really good example of putting our trust in the Lord, and understanding that as we keep the commandments and look to Him, we can do anything! I was very impressed with the knowledge and maturity of the students we had in our class! I felt like a student. 

Hanging ESL posters in Chinese restaurants
Finally had some time in our day to run around to a few of the restaurants around the chapel, asking if we could hang our ESL posters. I didn't have that much hope because of how much we have been turned down in the past. I think we went to 5 restaurants and 4 of them were open. All of the ones we went in were super nice! They all let us put the posters up in places where a-lot of people are going to see them! I hope we get some new students out of it!

"I will make you this promise about reading the Book of Mormon: You will be drawn to it as you understand that the Lord has embedded in it His message to you. Nephi, Mormon, and Moroni knew that, and those who put it together put in messages for you. I hope you have confidence that the book was written for [you]. There are simple, direct messages for them that will tell them how to change. That is what the book is about. It is a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Atonement and how it may work in their lives. You will have an experience this year feeling the change that comes by the power of the Atonement because of studying this book."
-Henry B. Eyring "The Book of Mormon Will Change Your Life" Feb. 2004 Ensign.

I'm so grateful that we have the chance to study the Book of Mormon more deeply through Come Follow Me! No matter your situation, I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon and do Come Follow Me, and the Lord will reveal things unto you. You will come to align you will with God's and experience a Peace that can only come though the truest book on the earth! Much love

Elder Giles

1.just a sample 2.There is ice everywhere 3.my comp said this looks like Japan but way less cool 4.Matching 5.Facebook-Jerry Chong. Then you can watch the dragon dance
