This Week's Highlights

Hello Everyone! It's cold, but the work up here is still amazing. Here are some highlights from this week.

Zone pday: 
last week we went up to a members property halfway to airdrie for zone pday! Everyone brought different food, drinks and games. We sat around a fire and talked, and played golf, frisbee, and whatever we could find. We were there for 6 hours since it was so fun! 

Susan and iris lesson: 
had an amazing lesson with our strongest investigators. We taught lesson 3: The Gospel of Jesus Christ and if the spirit was right, we would ask them to be baptized! They are so awesome, all the teachings just make sense to them. I just wish I could explain more in chinese... the lesson went great though! The spirit was strong. Elder Ruan popped the baptisimal question. They said yes but not ready to go on date yet! We challenged them to ask God when they should be baptized and continue reading the Book of Mormon everyday!

Dinner with Albanian members: 
Had a great dinner with a very nice family member. This family are immigrants from Albania that got converted in an amazing sequence. They told us their conversion story; The mom's sister was taking lessons from the missionaries and invited her to come listen! The mom ended up accepting the Gospel and bringing her daughter with her to be baptized. The son and dad didn't end up accepting it right away. The mom thought that they would never! But, the son got with the right group of friends in high school and out of nowhere wanted to go to seminary with them and be baptized! Then out of nowhere again he decided to go on a mission. He got called back to Albania where their family was from. While he was on his mission the dad was touched by the spirit in some way that made him accept the gospel. So the whole family went to Albania to have the son baptize the dad! Now they are all members and have amazing testimonies of the Gospel! We played uno with them and watched the new book of mormon video! 

Elder Ruan's birthday: 
His bday was on Saturday! We basically just had a regular day of missionary work since all our lessons canceled. But went to get Mongolian Hot Pot of dinner with Elder Li and Cox. basically they put a bowl of boiling soup in the middle of the table then bring out plates of uncooked meats and vegetables. It's all you can eat so we basically ordered everything on the menu... Just imagine 3 entire tables full of raw meat and veggies and 4 young lads with a big appetite. That's how it went. We all gained 4 pounds and lost $30... It was a good experience but my stomach was mad at me for the next few days!

The Proctor family:
Elder Li gave me a list of people that are members in the south and would be interested in starting a new mandarin branch. no phone numbers, just names and maybe which ward they are in. (like a scavenger hunt) One of the names on the list was: "Proctor, Mackenzie ward". So we went to the Mackenzie ward. We got in late since we came straight from the mandarin branch. There was a nice man up on the stand bearing his testimony, turns out he was the second counselor in the bishopric! I went up after the meeting to shake his hand, thank him for his testimony, and ask him if he knew the proctors. Turns out it was him! He was David Proctor hahaha. He introduced us to his family and invited us to come to a ward devotional at their house that night! We went to it and it was their son Matt talking about his mission in Hong Kong (He got home like 2 weeks ago). We stayed after to talk about the mandarin group and just build a relationship! I could say so much about this amazing family! The mom is from Taiwan and the dad is from Canada but served in Taiwan and studied chinese at the university for 4 years and majored in it! The son just got back from speaking Cantonese in Hong Kong. And the daughter is 17, taller than me, and I'm gonna go pro in basketball. So basically they are Chinese masters. And a blessing to our missionary work in the south!

College campus contacting:
Went contacting at the University of Calgary! It was crazy walking around a campus at the age where I should be in college. It felt like I was walking around an outdoor, huge advanced highschool. Got to talk to a few students and give them our card. One of them was wearing Off-White Jordan 1's, and if you know me, I had to go to compliment them and ask where they got them!:)

Ping Pong with Li Ying:
One of our investigators loves to play ping pong. She's a nice old lady that's weirdly amazing at it... So we casually teach her the lessons while she absolutely humiliates us! always a good time.

Spanish lesson:
I taught a lesson to 2 spanish that we picked up! They are some of those people that God has prepared, and just need to get the lessons and be baptized. Their english is terrible so we did the entire lesson through small pictures and google translate. We originally planned to teach lesson one but right away one of them asked; "Where was I before this life, and where are my parents??" So we taught the plan of salvation. As soon as we told them that because God loves them, they have been given the chance to live with their families forever, they started crying. It was their first time feeling the spirit, and it was through google translate!! The spirit is real. I'll send a pic that we took with Hector after the lesson. We are going to meet with them at the same time next week but take the spanish sisters with us!

This church is true. The work is good. And I'm so happy to be out here in the front lines. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, it can change lives. I have seen it already and I've only been out here 2 months. 

Let me know how life is going! miss you all:) 

Have an awesome week
