Sad to see another week go by!

It may seem like I have an eternity left on my mission but every once in a while, at the end of the day, I think about how that's one less day I have as a missionary... the perspective really allows me to put in all the effort I have! I absolutely love being a missionary, I love Calgary, and I love this Chinese language. Guys missions calls are received through revelation, everyday I find new reasons of why I'm supposed to be here!

Cool side note: I got a call from the ZL's earlier this week about how the mission office wanted to move us further north to be closer to the branch. Basically he told us we aren't moving because president wants Elder Ruan and I on the front lines of starting a new branch in the south!! The vision of starting a second mandarin branch has received light. Right now we are just trying the get as many people aware and on board with the idea. Dinners with stake presidents, etc.. loving it!

Other than that this week was pretty regular. Taught a born again Christian about the BOM, she loved it. She is now getting the discussions from the English sisters. Made and printed some more posters for ESL classes. Taught Susan and Iris lessons 1, 2, prophets, and the atonement! They came to church on Sunday:) 

central library

Then Saturday we had exchanges! I was sad to see elder Ruan go but guess who became my companion... Elder Vincent! Let's gooo. And his cutie companion Elder Zhu (pronounced Jew). We balled out the 24 hours we had together. We hung posters and knocked houses while walking 4 kilometers just to the east of the city. Then we went to the city and passed out 30 pass along cards to everyone whole spoke Chinese. It was so nice! I loved contacting with Xin ZL (elder Vincent) because that man is fearless, he will go up to anyone without a doubt in his mind. I learned a lot from him!

We had dinner with a member who owned to Lamborghini diablos, a dodge viper, more atvs than you can imagine. Every car/motorcycle that you could buy from the year he was born, and a nice mansion. The man was hilarious! Dinner was breakfast food and I was in heaven. 

Elder Ruan and I made a slideshow for the mid- autumn festive that has a bunch of riddles in Chinese and English. Riddles in Chinese make no sense, one of them is just the number 4. Then the answer is 4 different characters that apparently has something to do with the history of the character. I was confused but Elder Ruan was laughing so they must he good. 

We ordered pizza. And did some more missionary work. I'm so excited to be out here to be a part of the Lords work! It's honestly such a privilege. Everyday I get to come closer to my Savior and help other people do that same. Although Chinese may be tough somedays, I have learned to just smile and keep going! And that's my invitation to you. Whenever times get tough, just smile and keep going! The Lord didn't put us here on the Earth to get put down whenever we have inconvenience in our lives. He gave us challenges to help us learn and grow! So learn and grow from whatever comes at you. Smile, get a good attitude and learn from it! Love each and every one of you so much, go kill it this week:) 

parking lots in Calgary
