My Non-member mom!

Another week another email. Everything is absolutely great up here in the SIX. Not sure if Calgary counts as the 6 but hey it's all good. The work is progressing. The mandarin district is making moves. Nothing too prominent yet but I know that through our obedience and hard work we will see blessings and miracles! First small miracle is we got 3 calls this week about chinese people wanting to learn English! (They saw our posters:))

One of them is Crystal, she's a nice mom that doesn't have time to come to English class at night but still wants to work with us. So we met with her at a library and taught her a few english lessons. We also talked a little about the church (since that's what we do as missionaries) and she seemed really interested! The funniest thing was when we were telling her about how we leave our families for 2 years to come to a different country and spread the gospel, she was SHOOK. She was like "I'm not going to let 2 teenage boys have a Christmas without a family to celebrate it with! I'll be your mom and you can come over whenever you want, I like you guys". She has a husband and a daughter and a son!

So yea we found a Christmas plug, I hope I'm still in the south when that time comes around haha. We hope to teach her and her family more about the Gospel and bring the light of Christ into their lives! 

We had Stake Conference on Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was a great meeting with awesome speakers and an even better feeling of the spirit. There was one thing that was said that made me laugh for 15 minutes, I still laugh just thinking about it. No one else in the room gave anything but a giggle... the first councilor in the Stake Presidency (side note this guy looks like the lead singer in queen) was going on about the Book of Mormon, and his son that was about to leave on a mission. He explained that the family wanted to start a challenge in January, to finish the Book of Mormon before the son left in June. He went on and on about the hard work and dedication to reading everyday, although they may have missed some days they were able to finish 2 weeks before he GOT HOME from his mission instead!! See it's not that funny but I couldn't handle myself hahahahaha.

Between sessions, we slept at the north elders house (elder Vincent and elder zhu) so we would save kilometers! It was so much fun to be with elder Vincent and just be able to talk. We were up pretty late not gonna lie, but it was good quality time with my guy! We talked about how much fun we had in the MTC and how the language isn't gonna come easy. Great times!

Other than that, got tons of doors slammed in our faces, taught our amazing investigators, taught some more English, got an oil change, and taught a lesson to spanish people. The work is great. The field is white and ready to harvest. And that's what's so amazing that I get to be out here HARVESTING. The Chinese people here may be opposed to learning the gospel but I know that God will soften at least one of their hearts to accept His message! I love this Gospel. I love coming closer to my Savior each day I serve with all my might. I know that God is at all times and in all ways and in all circumstances our loving, forgiving Father in Heaven. Have an amazing week friends<3
