
My subject says very good week, because it was a very good week! Listening to General Conference this week was so special. I loved hearing the words of the Prophet and his Apostles, such simple messages that as we follow, we will receive more blessings than we can imagine!

I'm so grateful for Peter M. Johnsons message about the 4 steps we can take to have the Holy Ghost and Peace in our lives! 
1)Love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength 
2)Pray daily to feel the love of God and ask for strength 
3)Read the Book of Mormon everyday, everyday, everyday 
4)Prayerfully partake of the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. 
These 4 simple steps will bring us closer to God and our Savior Jesus Christ and allow us to be led by the spirit throughout our lives!

I also loved Stephen W. Owen's message about nourishing our bodies with the correct information to survive! Don't feed hay to deer. Social media is never enough spiritual nourishment for our souls, we must also go into gospel library and paper scriptures everyday in order to survive spiritually!

Conference was just so good. Here are some of the weeks highlights

Had a "retainers" meeting with President and Sister Keung and all the missionaries that just completed their first transfer! We talked about the importance of diligence in all aspects of the work, and some different ways we can continue to progress as missionaries! Like working with members and stuff like that:) 

Contacted an Irish Catholic fellow that seemed super interested in our message so we sat with him on his patio and taught all of the restoration. Then he looked at us and said "yea like it was cool to talk with you guys and all, and like you can come back if you need water or something but basically I'm never going to join your church. So it might be a waste of your time." Interesting

Went around to different members homes teaching about why we have prophets to get them excited to watch general conference. Taught Susan and Iris at Helen's house lesson 1. They loved it and accepted our invitations but at the end they said "为什么卡尔加里有很多的耶稣基督教会?" ("Why is there so many Jesus Christ churches in Calgary?") I told them that Jospeh Smith had the EXACT same question! The spirit was so strong as Elder Ruan finished with a nice testimony/ explanation.

A Japanese member at the Maple Leaf Academy (government English class downtown) gave us a $25 Visa gift card to get lunch. We drove straight to McDonald's and LOADED up. I am sick.

But yea other than that just looking around for Chinese people here in south Calgary, teaching ESL to anything but, and wearing 3 jackets every-time we go out. I am forever grateful for this opportunity to serve. My testimony of the Book of Mormon deepens everyday I set aside an hour to read and study it. I love this book, this gospel, and the prophet we have on earth to lead and guide us! Hope you all are staying warm, love you:)

Ji 吉
