
Wow it's already p-day again! Hows everyone doing? It snowed like 4 feet here so that was awesome! Nice to see that Canada has lived up to every single stereotype I've ever heard!! Just haven't seen anyone carrying around maple syrup yet:) anyways, I love it here! The work is progressing everyday and it's so spiritually rewarding.

Last week we went hiking as a district for Elder Chan's last p-day! We went to a place called Elbow Falls I think. It's just a 50 minute drive east of Calgary and an amazing hike! I'll send some pics. That night we had a meeting with President Keung where he called Elder Vincent to be the new District Leader!

We had a fireside this week! The Come and See fireside, where we invite investigators to come and listen to us sing and also stream it to facebook. The songs we sing have great messages! Not a whole lot of people came though, and the mics must of been broken because we sounded horrible over the stream hahahaha. It's alright the spirit was there and that's all the matters!

We also had the Mid- Autumn Festival 中秋节 this week! We had a lot of people we are teaching show up and get to meet the members! It was super awesome. We played games, had dinner, and taught mini lessons about the BoM! We lined up 4 lessons so I'd say the night was a success.

Sunday we went to 2 different wards to meet bishops and get connected with members that might speak Chinese! The bishops gave us some inspired names to stop by and see how they're doing! 

We had dinner with Susan and Iris! First time they let us come over to their house. And it was awesome, they made us great food, and a lot of it... their was only 4 of us there and the whole table was covered in plates of different Chinese dishes! We ate most of it surprisingly! Then taught them lesson 1 and invited them to pray! Hopefully we will invite them to be baptized next lesson:) they are basically members already just not wet.

Life is still amazing up here. Although I may need to put another few layers on to go outside, I still absolutely love it! This chance I get to be a missionary is such an amazing opportunity! I love all of you:) 

my challenge this week is to listen to what the prophet is saying to YOU as he speaks this General Conference! Listen to the spirit and you will receive personal revelation. GO KILL IT AGAIN THIS WEEK

Elder Giles
