Lots of pics this week:) We got to go to Banff with some investigators! Our branch was having an activity where they were taking investigators and English class students to a hike near Banff. Originally we weren't invited as missionaries but we decided it would be the best way to spend our morning, and the members wanted us to come. We drove with a member (the McIntyre's), and 2 of our amazing investigators. In the car they talked about temples, baptism, and most of lesson 3! 

Elder Leung got transferred into the English program. He's been asking president to do this since we got here over a year ago so good for him! It's sad see him gone but on his last pday I took him to a driving range to hit a golf ball for the first time. They loved it! Also we got a free tour of the Lamborghini dealership:)

Went to a potential investigators house for lunch. When we got there, we started with a short English connect lesson, then helped him make the lunch! He cut up and entire chicken. I thought, oh maybe he will only use the good parts. Nope. He put the entire cut up chicken in a pan and cooked it with veggies and homemade noodles. We made so much food, we had to use his platters as plates. Watching him eat the head made me want to leave. After lunch we watched the Lehi's vision BoM video! Loved it so much. 

Picked up quite a few new investigators this week! 3 of which were not mandarin speakers but none the less we are inviting others to come unto Christ. One tagalog guy I met at English connect class, I was his partner when we split up into groups but since his english was so good already I used the time to teach him about the Book of Mormon and how the Gospel blesses families. He loved it and is now getting taught by the tagalog elders. 

The other 2 were from the Maple Leaf Academy. This nice columbian fellow in his broken English called me over to his table to practice English with him. One thing led to another and he was asking me about the Calgary temple, I taught him how there is temples everywhere around the world! Also that's there is missionaries all over the world. Somewhere along the way a nice lady from Spain came over to listen as well, also help translate the things he didn't understand. They asked me if they could go to church without being baptized! Yes! And there is a Spanish ward right next to their house. So they are getting taught by the Spanish missionaries now!

Wow kind of long story time:

On Sunday, Elder Ruan and I were wondering if we should go out and contact or just stay in and do language study. We felt prompted to go out and find! After talking to a few nice people we found ourselves just to the east of Chinatown. We saw an old man walking and suddenly fell backwards out of nowhere! We ran over to pick him up off the ground and make sure he was alright. He was very positive but lost all the strength in his legs. We carried him a couple blocks back to his apartment in the old folks home and sat him on his chair. Still not being able to move his legs he tried to get up and fell to the ground!! We picked him up again and found his daughter's phone number on the wall! Got in contact with her and left them a book of mormon and our phone number! Great opportunity to help an old guy:)

Loving this work here in Calgary. The language is coming along and I am building relationships with members and non members! A lot of work to do but I'm glad I can do it with the Lord's hand on my side:) hope you all are doing amazing! I have a sweet video to share. Idk how to send it but just look up 

"Spiritual Whirlwinds" (I think the pic is like blue)

on YouTube or something. We have shared this to EVERYONE since its just amazing. There is so much symbolism and hidden meanings so I invite you to watch that video and find one thing you like! I know that this is God's kingdom on earth today. I know that we all will have "whirlwinds" in our life. But through turning to Christ, relying on him, and accessing the power of his infinite atonement. We can then become the people God knows we can be! Much love from Calgary:))

Elder Giles
