Another great, busy week in Calgary!

This week had been awesome! I have done so much yet I feel like last p-day was yesterday. I have learned a lot this week, my one of my companions got called as zone leader so now its just me and Elder Ruan! Love this guy, he helps my Chinese so much. We had ESL everyday this week from 7-8:30, we pretty much just try to teach people english for an hour and half, it's great!

Thursday we said goodbye to Elder Li and dropped him off with his new companion. Then we went to a nice Chinese family's house for lunch and a message. The whole table was plates of different things that we could mix into our noodles and everyone ate at least 3 bowls, it was so good. The message was about how we can all be missionaries, we need to all strive to reach out to those around us and help them! Whether it be inviting them to church or simply smiling at them. Then ESL class.

Friday ESL meeting...then popeyes! then we went to help some sisters teach a Chinese boy about prophets. His name is Jason, we have met with him a few times! The sisters love bringing us along to translate and testify to him in Chinese. Then we helped a member move some furniture around. Then ESL.

Saturday was a great day. We went with Kevin and his family to the temple! His daughter Tina is preparing for baptism and the parents are preparing to go through the temple for this first time. We got the opportunity to take them into the front waiting room and talk with the temple president. The spirit was so strong as he answered their questions and challenged Kevin to baptize his daughter himself! After that we got some pizza then pickup the Cantonese elders and went to a nice ladies house. We cleaned her windows and played a little bit of Mah Zhong, thank you Laoshi Jennens I kind of remembered house to play from high school! Then taught her the restoration in Cantonese, I just sat there in awe because that language is insane. Shout out to anyone that knows it.

Sundays are always nice! We had fasten testimony meeting and I was able to understand pretty much everything! Testifying is a lot easier to understand than most other things we do in Chinese. Later that day, more ESL.

Monday district council meeting. Then we went to a nice members house named sister knight! I'm not sure when we set up to meet with her but all the sudden she texted me saying "when is the best time for you to come today?" Haha I was so confused. We went over to her, her husband, and a 23 year old Japanese guy. Not sure where he came from but he wasn't a member and was very interested in learning about prayer! So we discussed prayer and invited him and the knights to pray! 

Then we drove to Cochrane to do the Book of Mormon experiment, basically we just dress in normal clothes without our name tags and ask people to read a "page of religious writing" and mark what the read about God or Jesus Christ or anything they like. Then, they answer some questions like where are you from and what's your religious background. Somewhere along the line we explain that we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And that they just read the Book of Mormon! Best prank ever right. We had a guy come up to us, show us his G's and ask why we didn't have our tags on. That was fun hahaha. Then I had a Christian fellow yell at me for deceiving him to read the BoM, he must of not been having a good day. But there was some good that came from it! We had some people that had some real questions and became potential's.

Yesterday was nonstop appointments. One of them was a service opportunity in downtown called the Maple Leaf Academy. Basically it's a government funded school for immigrants to learn english! We got the chance to talk to people during their lunch break. I played ping pong with a nice 19 year old from Africa. Then talked to some Chinese ladies. They were amazed when I spoke Chinese to them haha. But they were more interested in my speaking English to them so they could learn. Some more ESL, this time a Chinese guy came! For the first time. we talked to him after class for half an hour about life, his english name is Philip Ny. He's 46 but acts 19, I love him and he added me on Facebook so we will be in contact! 

That was pretty much my week! I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to devote all my time and effort to the Lord and his children! The people here are so nice. Everyone here is so loving and I'm so grateful for everyone I have met. I love this gospel and the chance I get to share it with such amazing people! I love all of you and hope you have an amazing week.

Elder Giles
