Week 6: all Chinese, all week, all good:)

bom share with district about faith in christ
100 Chinese week, learned that i talk too much
intro to new trc appointments this week
assistant teacher was where we are at 4 months
met a cantonese elder that is from Arizona and plays golf
got made district leader, 

Awesome week again here in the MTC! this has been the fastest week ever and i learned so much! Monday night we had a Book of Mormon share with my district, we have these a lot but this one was about Faith in Christ (dui jidu de xinxin) and it was special. There were some awesome comments about how Faith in Christ can make us become the best missionaries we could be! it was an amazing testimony builder!

Tuesday, my companion Elder Vincent and I started our 100% Chinese week. We couldn't speak English until Saturday afternoon. Started off weird as an adjustment but when Tuesday night came around I realized that I was able to get across every point i wanted too and have some nice conversations. I wrote in my journal that night "... i guess what i learned from today is that i talk way too much English everyday, I was able to get my point across pretty much every conversation i was in. I was able to communicate a lot more that i thought i would be able to!" super humbling and helpful!

Wednesday was the same, spoke a lot of Chinese!

Met a golfer and talked about golf for the first time in the MTC! 

Got made district leader so basically i get to pick up mail for the last 3 weeks here in the MTC, anyways i don't have much time this week, Love you all! have a great time!
