Week 3: MTC weekly adventure update!

Wow so much to say this week, i should probably write it down so i don't forget it all! The week started off pretty fast and slowed down around Thursday night when everyone stayed up until almost midnight to watch the Stadium of Fire out the south end of T4. So so cool to watch from the MTC. The next day was a wreck... for everyone. 6:30 came bright and early! definitely worth it for sure! 

Me and my Tongban (Elder Vincent) had our first TRC on Saturday morning, i don't know what the letters stand for but basically we have to teach a lesson to a random person, IN CHINESE... all week during companion study Elder Vincent and I prepared for this moment, praying and studying about what we should teach. We outlined a lesson around Faith in Jesus Christ. 

We had no idea if this person would be a member in the church, a less active, or even a returned missionary! So we asked the Lord to bless us with the Yu Yan de EnCi (the Gift of Tongues) so that we could give a nice lesson! We figured Faith in our broken Chinese would apply to anyone. 

Anyways Friday night came and we had a practice TRC with our Laoshi (teacher). She acted like a native that knew nothing about the Gospel, absolute train wreck... We went in with nothing but a Book of Mormon and a small outline of Faith, after the 3 of us laughed for 20 minutes we finished with a testimony and were humbled. This language is not easy. 

Saturday morning came around and we had no idea what to expect. We pleaded for the Lord to help us portray the message of Faith that we did so terribly the night before. Long story short we absolutely killed it. We taught 2 different times to returned missionaries from China, they we so awesome and they had some awesome stories to tell about Faith. The spirit was so strong I understood exactly what they were saying and was able to respond without thinking. Elder Vincent and I were so so happy that it went well! The Yu Yan de Enci is real people, you just need to ask!

The rest of the day was so happy, we were so grateful to have the first TRC behind us! 

Sunday (my favorite day of the week) was finally here. We had fasten testimony meeting with our Cantonese speaking zone, i couldn't understand anything but some of it sounds like Mandarin and i felt the spirit so strongly as they spoke. 

My room was also all assigned as leaders without them expecting it. My companion was made District leader (i called it) and the other 2 elders (Elder Keogh and Elder Vowels) were assigned to be Zone Leaders (didn't call that one). They were shook and all the 6-week Canto speakers were maaad haha. I know that the callings are inspired and i'm excited to see them grow from them! 

Last night (Sunday night) me and elder vincent were sitting around writing in our journals and all the other elders came running into our room telling us that we should Indian leg wrestle. we didn't want to at first since he had broken his wrist last week playing basketball. But then of course we did it anyways. As i expected he threw me backwards over my head with ease, but on the way back i heard and felt a massive pop, crack, and snap. His wrist was twisted with my body. He kept saying "everything is allll good" and i was freaking out. We are going to the hospital in about an hour to probably get surgery, but ill let u know how it goes!

Sorry for the long update but I am so happy to be out here serving the Lord everyday! i know that he trusts me to learn this language so i will rely on him through it all! I am so grateful for all the people i have come in contact with over the last 3 weeks! i know that this is the restored Gospel on the earth today and that the Lord needs me to share it with the people of Calgary! Love you all! have an awesome week. 
