Week 2: First Full Week!

Hello everyone! 2nd week in the mtc is going absolutely great! getting very used to the mtc scedule/life. when i hit the pillow at night im asleep before my roomates even turn off the lights! my dad always told me how easy it was to sleep on the mission but it doesnt really make sense until you expirence it! haha its honestly amazing. Elder Vincent and I are still doing so so good. im pretty sure i have laughed harder than i ever have like 10 times just cas we are having such an amazing time!

on the other side of things, i got a pretty bad cold/sinus infection (not really sure what it was) and the only medince i have is niquil. headaches, stuffy nose, sore throat, ear ache, and a cough wasn't too much for a combination of niquil and the Lord. i prayed and prayed for the sickness to not effect my missionary efforts and to go away. surely enough, 3 days later, i didnt miss a single class or activity, and im feeling great! Heavenly Father listens to and answers our prayers!! you just have to be willing to ask. 

my week is kind of weird, i have pday on monday (obviously) and the other to "break days" (days where we dont have 7 hours of class) are sunday and tuesday. that means that wednesday through saturday are a spiritual and physical GRIND! thats what we call it. saturday was one of the hardest days (physically) i have had in the mtc because it was the last day we had 4 days of 7 hour classes in a row. we were beat. sunday morning came around and elder vincent and i were absolute zombies, couldnt keep our eyes open! 

BUT THEN sunday night devotional came around. the most amazing talk i have ever heard in my life. Brother Kelly Mills (the worldwide mtc director, or something) got up and said exactly what me and my companion needed to hear. he talked about how missions change people, and he showed us some before and after pics of some extreme examples. he then quoted 

matthew 16:25 "for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."

He then went on to bear testimony on that. Elder Vincent and I looked at eachother holding back tears. That was exactly what we needed to hear. the spirit was so strong that we were both filled with energy!! we had a change of perspective, as a missionary you really have to learn how to forget yourself and get to work. Because this stuff is really hard if you dont have the power of the Holy Spirit on your side. 

Im so grateful that i can give all my time and effort to the Lord. I am so grateful for this gospel in my life and the happiness it has brought me. I know that as we turn outward to help others as christ did, we will find ourselves. I love each and every one of you! Have an amazing christ-like week. 
