Week 1: I love the MTC

Holy cow, this has been the longest, most amazing week of my life. Time goes by so slow here in the MTC but all the veterans say it’s starts to pick up after the first week. But I LOVE it here so much. I love my companion and my roommates. Everyone has such a good attitude even though this language is so so hard to learn, especially the people that have never taken it before.

There are 11 people in my district (class) and they are all so awesome including the teachers. Everyday has something new but something exciting!! Anywhere from Language study, to personal Book of Mormon study, to reciting the missionary purpose in both Chinese and English.

The spirit in this place is palpable all the time, and I can really feel my testimony and conversion grow every hour!!

Anyway, Sunday (yesterday) was probably my favorite day of my entire life, and I’ll explain why. I literally passed the sacrament to all of the apostles... like me, as a missionary passed the sacrament to the people that run this church today. I still haven’t taken it all in but I will never forget that. Also, later that day I got to go to devotional where all the apostles were there also, elder Oaks presiding and elder Holland giving the message. My pencil couldn’t move fast enough for all I wanted to write down! The spirit in both of those situations was seriously life changing.

So yea, if you are wondering how I’m doing the answer is AMAZING! I love the MTC and the feeling it brings me. I cannot wait until I get into the field and bring all these feelings I’m having to the people in Canada!

If you want to tell me anything, I can read emails all the time I just can’t respond until Monday’s, so if you want to send me something to keep me busy or even laugh I would love that! Love you all! Have an awesome week:)


  1. Love you Ryan. Hope you are having a great time learning the language. Grandpa and myself are going to the movie Other Side of Heaven 2 tonight. This a record. We went to Toy Story Tuesday night with Holly and the kids. We never go to movies and now two in a week.


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